Miracle Heroes: Temporal Bounty Hunter
66 Conquistas
1000 EXP
All Rivers Merge into the Sea
Clear any difficulty with hero Caesar
50 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamArt is an Explosion
Trigger 150 explosions in any game
5 EXP29% dos jogadores desbloquearamArtillery Fire Suppression
Clear any difficulty with hero Peng Dehuai
5 EXP14% dos jogadores desbloquearamAwakening of Machines
Reach robot summon level 10
5 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamBig Eater
Eat 100 burgers in the game
5 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamBlood for Blood
Clear any difficulty with hero A Bao
5 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamBloody Silence
Clear any difficulty with hero Xiao Li
5 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamBoss Slayer
Kill 5 bosses or elites
65 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamBusiness Tycoon
Collect 30,000 gold in the game
25 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamChase! Never Stop!
Kill 500,000 enemies in the game
200 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamColor of Sunset
Kill a boss or elite for the first time in the game
5 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamCrowning Ceremony
Clear any difficulty with hero Bass
5 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamDecisive Battle
Clear any difficulty with hero Jinlong
5 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamDemon Sealing Slash
Clear any difficulty with hero Shou Yi
5 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamDestruction's Embrace
Clear any difficulty with hero Khan
5 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamDread Guard
Clear any difficulty with hero Meng Jiang
5 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamEagle Eye
Kill 10,000 monsters with ranged weapons
5 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamFate's Choice
Clear any difficulty with hero Alexander
5 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamFirst Victory of the Pandaren
Win a game with any Pandaren character
5 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamFountain of Life
Restore over 200 health points in any game
5 EXP43% dos jogadores desbloquearamGift of Fate
Exceed 50 luck in any game
5 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamGreat Sale
Reach -20% shop prices in one game
5 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamHeavy Firepower
Clear any difficulty with hero Hu Zongnan
5 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamHell is Void
Clear any difficulty with hero Satan Panda
5 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamHell's Finest Brew
Complete any difficulty using the hero Dracula: Bloodrage
5 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamHit the Mark
Reach penetration level 5
5 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamHuman Fortress
Exceed 50 armor in any game
5 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamInfinite Sword Saint
Clear any difficulty with hero Xihu
5 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamInverse Heaven
Exceed 40% in one of the enemy's stats in any game
5 EXP14% dos jogadores desbloquearamIron Cavalry Charge
Clear any difficulty with hero Ba Xiong
5 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamJack of All Trades
Equip 6 different weapons in any game
5 EXP43% dos jogadores desbloquearamKing of Monsters
Kill 300,000 enemies in the game
100 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamLevel Up! Keep Leveling Up!
Reach level 15 in any game
5 EXP29% dos jogadores desbloquearamMark of the Vanguard
Clear any difficulty with hero Zhang Fei
30 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamMaster of Magic
Upgrade any magic weapon to the highest level in a game
5 EXP14% dos jogadores desbloquearamMaster of Slaughter
Kill 10,000 enemies in melee combat
5 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamMoney Lover
Collect 50,000 gold in the game
70 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamOld Blood and Iron
Clear any difficulty with hero Master of Flowers
5 EXP43% dos jogadores desbloquearamOutnumbered
Summon 1,000 minions in the game
5 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamPioneer
5 EXP100% dos jogadores desbloquearamPirate's Treasure
Collect 10,000 gold in the game
5 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamPrecision Guidance
Clear any difficulty with hero Zero
5 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamRain of Arrows
Clear any difficulty with hero Kiana
5 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamResurrection
Die once using a wizard character
5 EXP14% dos jogadores desbloquearamShadow of the Moon
Clear any difficulty with hero Yue Fei
5 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamSpeedster
Reach +40 speed in any game
5 EXP14% dos jogadores desbloquearamStarting Point of the Journey
Clear difficulty 0
5 EXP14% dos jogadores desbloquearamSteel Bones
Exceed 25 armor in any game
5 EXP14% dos jogadores desbloquearamSurvivor
Survive a wave with less than 20% health
5 EXP43% dos jogadores desbloquearamSword of Storms
Clear any difficulty with hero Guan Yu
50 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamTank of Team Battle
Take 1,000 damage
5 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamThunderbolt
Clear any difficulty with hero Thunderbolt
5 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamTo Another Me in the World
Summon a total of 3000 summons in the game
5 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamTowering Giant
Exceed 100 maximum health in any game
5 EXP14% dos jogadores desbloquearamTreasures are Calling!
Collect 100 chests in the game
5 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamTree of Life
Restore over 1,500 health points
5 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamUnarmed Combat Master
Upgrade an unarmed weapon to the highest level in any game
5 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamUnbroken Oath
Clear any difficulty with hero Seven
5 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamUncrowned King
Win with any character on difficulty 5
70 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamUnderground Financial Empire
Collect 100,000 gold in the game
5 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamUnstoppable
Clear any difficulty with hero Napoleon
5 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamUnyielding Spirit
Clear any difficulty with hero Light
60 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamVoodoo Magic
Clear any difficulty with hero Aeglon
5 EXP14% dos jogadores desbloquearamWarlord
Kill 100,000 enemies in the game
5 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamWeapon Master
Equip 3 different types of weapons
5 EXP57% dos jogadores desbloquearamWind Dance
Clear any difficulty with hero Wind Dance
5 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearam