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Outbreak The Fedora Files: What Lydia Knows
31 Conquistas
1000 EXP
An Absolute Nightmare
Completed Outbreak RPG on Nightmare Difficulty.
200 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamApologies, Kid
Awww! Meg still likes you!
20 EXP22% dos jogadores desbloquearamBullpen
Finished interviewing D'Marco.
20 EXP44% dos jogadores desbloquearamCHOMP!
Couldn’t escape Arthur.
20 EXP11% dos jogadores desbloquearamCause a Scene
Caused a scene, got attention.
20 EXP11% dos jogadores desbloquearamCoward
Lydia decided it wasn’t worth the risk to find Sanchez. Coward.
20 EXP33% dos jogadores desbloquearamDead End
Finished Forensics.
5 EXP44% dos jogadores desbloquearamFateful Encounter
Defeated all enemies during a battle in Outbreak RPG.
10 EXP89% dos jogadores desbloquearamFile Folder
Talked to Harry in Records.
5 EXP44% dos jogadores desbloquearamFlatfoot
Completed the station investigation.
5 EXP44% dos jogadores desbloquearamHit Them With Anything!
Defeated an enemy using a melee attack in Outbreak RPG.
30 EXP11% dos jogadores desbloquearamI Need a Break
Meg still does not like you.
20 EXP44% dos jogadores desbloquearamI've Seen You Somewhere
Defeated a Brute in Outbreak RPG.
50 EXP11% dos jogadores desbloquearamInjecting Commentary
Deja got to the point.
30 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamKeep Your Nose Clean
Harry did not defend you.
10 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamMultiplayer
Both Meg and Harry have joined your team!
100 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamNot Canon!
This ending is not canon, but yeah, you chose to side with the bad guys.
10 EXP11% dos jogadores desbloquearamNot a Thing
Talked to Meg on her Nicotine Patch Break.
10 EXP33% dos jogadores desbloquearamOopsie!
Released a Monster on Cypress Ridge.
50 EXP22% dos jogadores desbloquearamRIP Lydia
Lydia did not survive the sewer encounter.
30 EXP44% dos jogadores desbloquearamSacrifice
Sacrificed Meg to the Monster to save yourself.
20 EXP11% dos jogadores desbloquearamSmoke and Mirrors
You teamed up with Meg! Not sure how that happened, but good for you!
50 EXP11% dos jogadores desbloquearamSuperior Firepower
Upgraded any character's weapon to LV 10 in Outbreak RPG.
50 EXP11% dos jogadores desbloquearamSweetie Pie!
The monster did not like funky beats.
20 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamThat Escalated Quickly
Escaped Deja and Arthur.
20 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamThe Future Cast
Rescued all survivors in Outbreak RPG.
20 EXP11% dos jogadores desbloquearamTight Squeeze
Save Meg after she has been shot.
60 EXP11% dos jogadores desbloquearamTomorrow is Another Game
Completed the story.
20 EXP33% dos jogadores desbloquearamTotally Incompetent
The investigation was halted before it even began. (What have you been doing all this time?!)
5 EXP56% dos jogadores desbloquearamUnavoidable Apocalypse
Rescue a survivor in Outbreak RPG.
50 EXP33% dos jogadores desbloquearamWTF D'Marco!
D’Marco abandoned Lydia.
20 EXP11% dos jogadores desbloquearam