Pirates Outlaws
124 Conquistas
1000 EXP
Complete a game with Explorer.
5 EXP8% dos jogadores desbloquearamAdventurous Spirit
Unlock Lost Islands.
5 EXP6% dos jogadores desbloquearamArena 30
Win Arena 30.
5 EXP3% dos jogadores desbloquearamArena 40
Win Arena 40.
5 EXP1% dos jogadores desbloquearamArena Legend
Win Arena 50 in 60 Minutes.
10 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamAround the Corner
Find the Holy Water.
5 EXP5% dos jogadores desbloquearamBartender
Complete a game in Tavern Brawl.
5 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamBear Power
Complete a game with Bear Tamer, and the damage of the bear reaches 20 in the final boss battle.
10 EXP1% dos jogadores desbloquearamBlacksmith's Holiday
Complete a game without upgrading any cards at the Market.
5 EXP3% dos jogadores desbloquearamBlitzkrieg
In Arena 30, beat The Impostor before he transforms.
10 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamBraving Danger
Reach Map 3 of Pirate Bay.
5 EXP45% dos jogadores desbloquearamCarefully Selected
Have 5 or less cards in your deck when you complete a game.
5 EXP1% dos jogadores desbloquearamChallenge Nature
Unlock Northern Lands.
5 EXP3% dos jogadores desbloquearamChampion: Admiral
Win Arena 50 with Admiral.
10 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamChampion: Alchemist
Win Arena 50 with Alchemist.
10 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamChampion: Bear Tamer
Win Arena 50 with Bear Tamer.
10 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamChampion: Carpenter
Win Arena 50 with Carpenter.
10 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamChampion: Chicken
Win Arena 50 with Chicken.
10 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamChampion: Curse Captain
Win Arena 50 with Curse Captain.
10 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamChampion: Doctor
Win Arena 50 with Doctor.
10 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamChampion: Explorer
Win Arena 50 with Explorer.
10 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamChampion: First Mate
Win Arena 50 with First Mate.
10 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamChampion: Fortune Teller
Win Arena 50 with Fortune Teller.
10 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamChampion: Gunner
Win Arena 50 with Gunner.
10 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamChampion: Inventor
Win Arena 50 with Inventor.
10 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamChampion: Musician
Win Arena 50 with Musician.
5 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamChampion: Sword Master
Win Arena 50 with Sword Master.
10 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamChampion: Unknown Captain
Win Arena 50 with Unknown Captain.
10 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamChampion: Vigilante
Win Arena 50 with Vigilante.
5 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamChanneler
Collect all cards and relics in Souls Rift.
20 EXP1% dos jogadores desbloquearamCheers
Defeat the Tavern Keeper when both you and her are Drunk.
5 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamColder Than Cold
Complete a game in Northern Lands Hard mode.
15 EXP1% dos jogadores desbloquearamConquer Nature
Complete a game in Northern Lands
5 EXP1% dos jogadores desbloquearamConqueror
Complete a game in Lost Islands
5 EXP1% dos jogadores desbloquearamCowardice
NO chicken-hearted pirate allowed!
5 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamDancing In Shackles
Complete a game in Eastern Seas Hard mode.
15 EXP1% dos jogadores desbloquearamDouble Major
Complete a game with Gunner and have at least 5 melee cards in your deck.
5 EXP5% dos jogadores desbloquearamEasy
Complete a game in Hard Mode with every character.
5 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamEnd
The end of Port Elysia.
5 EXP1% dos jogadores desbloquearamEnough
Complete a game in Pirates Bay Hard mode.
15 EXP1% dos jogadores desbloquearamEpic Battle
Defeat the Kraken.
5 EXP1% dos jogadores desbloquearamExorcist
Complete a game in Souls Rift
5 EXP3% dos jogadores desbloquearamFace to Face
In Arena 20, beat Lucy Weston in your first turn.
5 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamFair Treatment
In Arena 90, beat the 3 Spiritias in the same turn.
10 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamFair Treatment
In Arena 90, beat the 3 Spiritias in the same turn.
10 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamFallen from Grace
Have less than 100 Coins when you complete a game with Admiral.
5 EXP1% dos jogadores desbloquearamFearless
In Arena 10, beat Unknown Slave with Chain in your hand.
5 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamFeel Alive
Complete a game with Doctor.
5 EXP3% dos jogadores desbloquearamFinal Burial
Complete a game in Skulls Island
5 EXP4% dos jogadores desbloquearamFinal Weapon
Defeat the Mechanical Kraken.
5 EXP1% dos jogadores desbloquearamFinding Your Way
Complete a game in Eastern Seas
5 EXP1% dos jogadores desbloquearamFood Sold Out
Complete a game in Skulls Island Hard mode.
15 EXP1% dos jogadores desbloquearamForgotten Civilization
Complete a game in Port Elysia
5 EXP1% dos jogadores desbloquearamFull Speed Ahead
Complete a game in 30 minutes.
5 EXP10% dos jogadores desbloquearamFull pint
Complete a game in Tavern Brawl with 16 different characters.
10 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamFuture Sight
Complete a game with Fortune Teller.
5 EXP1% dos jogadores desbloquearamGeneral tour
Complete a game in Tavern Brawl in 20 minutes, with 16 different characters.
15 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamGreat Collector
Collect all cards and relics in Pirate Bay.
20 EXP1% dos jogadores desbloquearamGreat Witch
Complete a game with Alchemist without any Shoot, Punch or Wooden Shield cards in your deck.
5 EXP1% dos jogadores desbloquearamHalf empty
Complete a game in Tavern Brawl with 8 different characters.
5 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamHigh Requirements
Complete a game with Explorer and never own more than 1 relic during your journey.
5 EXP1% dos jogadores desbloquearamI Don't Need
In Arena 60, beat Ronin and never get any healing in this battle.
10 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamInept Swordsman
Complete a game without any melee cards in your deck.
10 EXP1% dos jogadores desbloquearamInheritance
Complete a game in Port Elysia Hard mode.
5 EXP1% dos jogadores desbloquearamInto the Unknown
Unlock Eastern Seas.
5 EXP1% dos jogadores desbloquearamIron Rooster
Have more than 1000 Coins when you complete a game.
5 EXP3% dos jogadores desbloquearamKeep Calm
Complete a game with Carpenter without becoming Overloaded.
5 EXP1% dos jogadores desbloquearamKing of the North
Collect all cards and relics in Northern Lands.
20 EXP1% dos jogadores desbloquearamLearning
Complete a game with First Mate.
5 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamLong Long Journey
Reach Map 2 of Pirate Bay.
5 EXP72% dos jogadores desbloquearamLoyal Supporter
Unlock the Admiral.
5 EXP1% dos jogadores desbloquearamLucky Fellow
Complete a game with Vigilante.
5 EXP3% dos jogadores desbloquearamMalnutrition
Complete a game in Souls Rift Hard mode.
15 EXP1% dos jogadores desbloquearamMaster Tamer
Complete a game with Bear Tamer.
5 EXP1% dos jogadores desbloquearamMaster at Arms
Complete a game with Swordmaster.
5 EXP15% dos jogadores desbloquearamMaster of Alchemy
Complete a game with Alchemist.
5 EXP1% dos jogadores desbloquearamMaster of Curses
Complete a game with Curse Captain.
5 EXP3% dos jogadores desbloquearamMaster of Fate
Complete a game with Fortune Teller with no attack cards in your deck.
10 EXP1% dos jogadores desbloquearamMaster of the East
Collect all cards and relics in Eastern Seas.
20 EXP1% dos jogadores desbloquearamMinstrel
Complete a game with Musician.
5 EXP1% dos jogadores desbloquearamMogul
Complete a game with Admiral.
5 EXP1% dos jogadores desbloquearamMonster Expert
Collect all cards and relics in Lost Islands.
20 EXP1% dos jogadores desbloquearamMonster Hunter
Defeat the Kraken with Chicken.
10 EXP1% dos jogadores desbloquearamMonster Hunter
Defeat the Kraken with Chicken.
5 EXP1% dos jogadores desbloquearamMyopic
Complete a game without any ranged cards in your deck.
10 EXP8% dos jogadores desbloquearamNew Era
Save Port Elysia.
5 EXP1% dos jogadores desbloquearamNo Return
Complete a game with 0 AP remaining.
5 EXP5% dos jogadores desbloquearamNo Revive
In Arena 50, beat Norn before he summon undead minions.
10 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamOenologist
Complete a game in Tavern Brawl in 10 minutes.
10 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamOne Shot, One Kill
Deal more than 100 damage in 1 attack.
5 EXP3% dos jogadores desbloquearamPerfect Victory
Complete a game with Unknown Captain, and finish the final boss battle with full HP.
10 EXP1% dos jogadores desbloquearamPurified
Complete a game with Curse Captain without any curse cards in your deck.
5 EXP1% dos jogadores desbloquearamRelief
Free the specters of Elysians.
5 EXP1% dos jogadores desbloquearamReputed
Reach 9999 Repute and unlock Hard mode.
10 EXP1% dos jogadores desbloquearamReturn of the Dead
Complete a game with Unknown Captain.
5 EXP1% dos jogadores desbloquearamRobber
Complete a game in Lost Islands Hard mode.
15 EXP1% dos jogadores desbloquearamRookie Captain
Complete the tutorial.
5 EXP82% dos jogadores desbloquearamScience
Complete a game with Inventor.
5 EXP1% dos jogadores desbloquearamSecond Life
Use Lucky Clover to revive yourself and complete a game.
5 EXP10% dos jogadores desbloquearamSharpshooter
Complete a game with Gunner.
5 EXP10% dos jogadores desbloquearamShip Builder
Complete a game with Carpenter.
5 EXP3% dos jogadores desbloquearamSkeleton King
Collect all cards and relics in Skulls Island.
20 EXP1% dos jogadores desbloquearamSkulls Island
Unlock Skulls Island.
5 EXP36% dos jogadores desbloquearamSober
Complete a game in Tavern Brawl and never get Drunk.
5 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamSouls Rift
Unlock Souls Rift.
5 EXP18% dos jogadores desbloquearamSpecialization
Complete a game with Musician having only one of the following cards in your deck: Offensive Stance, Masque or Impromptu.
10 EXP1% dos jogadores desbloquearamStrong Physique
Complete a game with Swordmaster without healing your HP at the Tavern.
5 EXP3% dos jogadores desbloquearamSurgical Strike
In Arena 40, beat Coco without defeating any undead dogs.
10 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamSurpass
Complete a game in every chapter in Hard Mode with First Mate.
10 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamTavern Regular
Reach level max in Tavern Brawl.
10 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamTen Thousand Bodies
Defeat 10,000 enemies.
10 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamThe Chosen One
Complete a game with Vigilante and never get Unlucky when you have less than 40 HP.
10 EXP1% dos jogadores desbloquearamThe More the Merrier
Have 30 or more cards in your deck when you complete a game.
10 EXP6% dos jogadores desbloquearamThe Walk
Complete a game with Chicken.
5 EXP1% dos jogadores desbloquearamThe World's End
Defeat 2 waves of enemies in one turn.
5 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamThirsty
Get Drunk 1000 times.
10 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamTime Traveler
Collect all cards and relics in Port Elysia.
20 EXP1% dos jogadores desbloquearamTrue Arena Legend
Win Arena 100 in 90 Minutes.
10 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamTrue Champion
Win Arena 100.
10 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamUnimpeachable
In Arena 80, beat Sleepy Hollow when you have max armor (equal to max hp).
10 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamWelcome
In Arena 70, beat Monkey Brothers and use 10 Poisoned Banana.
10 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamWell-Prepared
Get Gladiator in shop.
5 EXP1% dos jogadores desbloquearamWinchester
Get the lucky package.
5 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamWood Master
Defeat Puppet Master with Inventor.
5 EXP1% dos jogadores desbloquearam