Pro Basketball Manager 2025
45 Conquistas
1000 EXP
20 points gap!
Win a game by 20 or more.
10 EXP37% dos jogadores desbloquearam30 points margin!
Win a game by 30 or more.
15 EXP15% dos jogadores desbloquearamAmong legends
Being selected as best coach in the Olympic Games.
30 EXP0.5% dos jogadores desbloquearamBaby trainer
Coach the best young player of the year.
25 EXP6% dos jogadores desbloquearamBarcelona Style
Win the championship 4 years in a row.
20 EXP1% dos jogadores desbloquearamBest baby!
Coach the best young player of an international competition.
50 EXP3% dos jogadores desbloquearamBoth is better
Win the national cup and championship the same year.
25 EXP4% dos jogadores desbloquearamChange, finally!
Change your team logo for the first time.
5 EXP2% dos jogadores desbloquearamDefensive Player of Year Award
Coach the best defensive player of the year.
25 EXP6% dos jogadores desbloquearamDismissal
Fire a player.
5 EXP11% dos jogadores desbloquearamEmployee of the month
Coach the best player of the month.
25 EXP20% dos jogadores desbloquearamFirst game
Win a game.
10 EXP67% dos jogadores desbloquearamFrom Berlin or Leverkusen?
Win the championship 5 years in a row.
25 EXP0.5% dos jogadores desbloquearamFrom Moscow with love
Win the championship 9 years in a row.
30 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamGetting pretty serious...
Finish 15 seasons in the same career.
50 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamGo home!
Get fired.
5 EXP4% dos jogadores desbloquearamGood effort, though!
Finish last in your league.
5 EXP0.5% dos jogadores desbloquearamHe is with us!
Coach a player selected in the All-Competition first team.
15 EXP9% dos jogadores desbloquearamHe's crawling!
Coach a player selected as Best Young Player of the Month in a competition.
35 EXP3% dos jogadores desbloquearamHiring
Recruit a player.
5 EXP39% dos jogadores desbloquearamIt went fast
Finish a season.
15 EXP10% dos jogadores desbloquearamIt's wood this year right?
Finish 5 seasons in the same career.
35 EXP2% dos jogadores desbloquearamJust like Madrid
Win the championship 10 years in a row.
30 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamMVP of an international competition
Coach a player awarded with the MVP Award of an international competition.
25 EXP2% dos jogadores desbloquearamNational champion
Win the Championship.
35 EXP12% dos jogadores desbloquearamNational team coach!
Coach a national team.
15 EXP3% dos jogadores desbloquearamOff the bench!
Coach a player awarded with the Sixth Man Award.
25 EXP2% dos jogadores desbloquearamOne point
Win a game by only one point.
5 EXP24% dos jogadores desbloquearamPlay it like Boston
Win the championship 8 years in a row.
30 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamPorcelain or platinum?
Finish 20 seasons in the same career.
50 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamRenewal
Re-sign with the same team.
5 EXP11% dos jogadores desbloquearamRepeat
Win the championship 2 years in a row.
15 EXP2% dos jogadores desbloquearamRetirement home
Coach three players retiring during the year.
15 EXP1% dos jogadores desbloquearamSeason MVP
Coach a player awarded with the MVP award.
25 EXP10% dos jogadores desbloquearamSo it can last more than 7 years
Finish 10 seasons in the same career.
50 EXP0.5% dos jogadores desbloquearamStarting to have experience
Finish 2 seasons in the same career.
25 EXP4% dos jogadores desbloquearamThat's my week
Coach the best player of the week.
25 EXP6% dos jogadores desbloquearamThe best!
Receive the Best Coach award of the competition.
25 EXP9% dos jogadores desbloquearamThey did it in Siena
Win the championship 7 years in a row.
30 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamThreepeat
Win the championship 3 years in a row.
15 EXP2% dos jogadores desbloquearamTrade
Complete a trade.
5 EXP5% dos jogadores desbloquearamWant to visit 's-Hertogenbosch?
Win the championship 6 years in a row.
30 EXP0% dos jogadores desbloquearamWe are just warming up!
Win 5 games in a row in the same competition.
15 EXP28% dos jogadores desbloquearamWho said GOAT?
Receive the best coach award of an international competition.
25 EXP1% dos jogadores desbloquearamWill it ever end?
Win 15 games in a row in the same competition.
15 EXP5% dos jogadores desbloquearam