
  • Adapt-glhxr
To survive, you must guide your species through a constantly changing world. Compete with strange creatures for food and territory, and find your niche through careful evolutionary choices. The real question is not if you can survive, but for how long.

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Este é um jogo em Acesso Antecipado

Jogos em Acesso Antecipado ainda estão em desenvolvimento e podem mudar significativamente com o tempo. Como resultado, você pode enfrentar problemas imprevistos ou ver a adição de elementos de jogabilidade completamente novos enquanto joga.Você pode jogar agora para experimentar o jogo enquanto ele é feito ou aguardar para uma experiência mais completa.

About This Game

Adapt is a survival evolution game designed to simulate the constantly changing environments life must navigate to thrive. To succeed, your species will need to find food using a multitude of dietary strategies, seek out habitable environments, and react to changing seasons, and global climate. Your competitors will evolve alongside you, vying for food and territory to ensure their own survival.


Deep species customisation allows you to adapt to whatever the environment throws your way. As you play you will earn evolution points which allow you to purchase new parts to help your future generations survive.


To survive you must guide your species through a constantly changing, and often hostile, world. From season to season, day to day, the changing world will throw out new challenges.


Carve out your place in the ecosystem by building bonds with friendly local animals, or by outsmarting the competition. Find a mate, place a nest and provide for your young so they will carry on your legacy.


  • Species’ customization through modification of genetics and physical traits to determine your evolutionary strategy.

  • Numerous adaptations allow for diverse play-styles and physical characteristics.

  • Plant life exhibits seasonal behaviors and growth, producing seeds and fruit, losing leaves, and acting as home for edible insects.

  • Complex species AI behaviors including hunting for food, seeking mates, tracking, and hiding from predators.

  • Attempt to survive virtually anywhere, from the tops of mountains, to the bottom of the seas.

  • Species specialization through special abilities such as varied die

Requisitos de sistema de Adapt



OS version

Windows 10

OS version

Windows 10


2.4GHz Dual Core


3.2GHz Quad Core






NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650 or equivalent


NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960 or equivalent


DirectX 10





Idiomas suportados

  • Áudio: N/D

  • Texto: English

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