Drowned God: Conspiracy of the Ages

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Drowned God explores the notion that the human race was genetically engineered by god-like aliens who have guided humankind throughout history. This is the original 1996 game, and includes a wealth of 'Extras' such a the Original Pitch Document, Art Book and Concept Documents.

Drowned God: Conspiracy of Ages.

Drowned God explores the notion that the human race was genetically engineered by god-like aliens who have guided humankind throughout history. Players navigate the surreal environments via a Myst style interface, solving logic puzzles to give give them access to new locations, secrets. This is the original 1995 game, updated to run on modern windows and containing a wealth of unseen 'Extras' such a the original Pitch Document, Art Book and documents detailing the genesis of the project.

Drowned God: Conspiracy of Ages Relaunch.

In 1996 a game described by one journalist as "the strangest, creepiest, most psychedelic adventure game I've yet to come across." was released. Reaching the Top Ten within two weeks, the sudden and unexplained demise of its publisher, a subsidiary of Timer Warner, left the game to fade into internet memory, another evolutionary gaming dead-end adrift in a sea of zeros and ones, until now…….

The last few years has seen the interest in the game and its enigmatic designer ‘Harry Horse’ growing, catching the attention of curious minds across the globe. Its subject matter and darker secrets has fuelled discussion and speculation. Working with the original IP Holders and the estate of Harry Horse, the game has been updated to run on modern Windows systems and re-released with a wealth of previously unseen materials documenting the games development from early concept through to release.

The game itself is very much a product of its era yet it still retains its relevance and quality graphically, largely due to the prerendered nature of its environments. The Game is hard, offering no clues as to what the player should be doing and no hint of what the UI does (almost a mid 90’s Dark Souls) reading the instruction booklet is essential!

Included in the package.
Original game updated to run on modern Windows systems.

Diary of a Plagiarist by Harry Horse.

The Original Pitch document for the game.

Art Book collated and annotated by renowned artist and Drowned God Co Creator Alastair Graham.

The original Electronic Press Pack.

Original Instruction Booklet.

Complete Walk Through document, providing directions and solutions for the entire game.

A note about the relaunch.

Harry Horse estate is owned by his immediate family, managed by his two sisters Kay and Emma.

The estate has close ties to Harry's original vision and endorse the re-release of Drowned God : Conspiracy of the Ages.

Emma and Kay are working with the original Co Creators Algy Williams and Alastair Graham along with the Next Path Media team and are united by a commitment to honouring Harry's original work and his continuing legacy.

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Requisitos de sistema de Drowned God: Conspiracy of the Ages



OS version

Windows 10

OS version

Windows 10


Intel Pentium


Intel pentium






Not requred


Not required


DirectX 9


DirectX 9

Idiomas suportados

  • Áudio: English

  • Texto: English

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