Trilha sonora de Mothergunship

Soldado! Esses monstros alienígenas robóticos ocupando o nosso planeta e roubando as mentes dos cidadãos podem esperar. Não se preocupe com as outras vidas humanas! Só coloque seus fones supertecnológicos e deixe a música embalar o seu corpo, pelo menos enquanto você ainda tem um...

Trilha sonora de Mothergunship

Do compositor Mike Mirabello, com auxílio de SkewSound e Steve Pardo

Lista de músicas:

1 Mothergunship Main Menu
2 Fully Autonomous and Isolated from the Rest of the Resistance (Headquarters Ambient)
3 That's Our Target
4 Don't Melt Your Face Off (Foundry Action)
5 That's How You Know I'm the Boss (Harbinger Action)
6 We Need Intel About Intel About Getting Intel (Harbinger Ambient)
7 I'm Pretty Sure He's Open Source (Generic Ambient)
8 Welcome Back You Died (Generic Ambient)
9 A Bag of Bricks in a Windstorm (Foundry Ambient)
10 You Don't Really Care If I'm Offended (Harbinger Ambient)
11 I Have Thermal Vision Rachel (Neon Ambient)
12 Flight Squadrons Don't Make You Cool (Foundry Ambient)
13 All Robots Have Auto Aim (Foundry Ambient)
14 I Plan on Explaining It Poorly (Neon Ambient)
15 I'm Going to Brick Myself. I'm Sure of It (Neon Action)
16 Never, Cupcake (Mothergunship Ambient)
17 Newly Divergent Data Will Be Destroyed (Mothergunship Action)
18 They're Building Them as Fast as We Can Destroy Them (Special Ambient)
19 Your Presence Strongly Correlates with Spontaneous Ship Combustion (Mothergunship Ambient)
20 I'm the Only Authentic One Here (Special Ambient)
21 He's Just Some Dude Who Found a Cool Hat (Special Ambient)
22 I Really Hate Datacores
23 A Little Bird Told Me It Was My Birthday
24 A Toggy Trepidation (Tower of Guns Reprisal)
25 Smuggler's BossaNova (SkewSound, Composed by Steve Pardo)
26 It's NOT a Teleporter (Doom Factory Ambient)
27 Your Toy Will Suck (Doom Factory Action)
28 I Worked With What I Had (Doom Factory Action)

Notas e avaliações: Mothergunship

Metro GameCentral

por GameCentral

8 / 10

An inspired new take on Doom style shooters, as seen through the prism of bullet hell shoot ‘em-ups and roguelikes.


por Alexander Thomas

82 / 100

Mothergunship is a skillfully molded combination of first-person shooter and bullet hell that exudes chaos with over the top, larger than life weapons and fast-paced action.

God is a Geek

por Mick Fraser

8 / 10

Video game therapy has never been so explodey. Mothergunship is a funny, exciting and creative take on an otherwise simple premise.

Avaliações fornecidas pela OpenCritic

Requisitos de sistema de Trilha sonora de Mothergunship



Sistema operacional

Windows 7 de 64 bits

Sistema operacional

Windows 10 de 64 bits


Intel Core i5-4430 / AMD FX-6300


Intel Core i5-6600K / AMD Ryzen 5 1600


4 GB


8 GB


DirectX 11


DirectX 11

Placa de vídeo

Nvidia GTX 750 Ti de 2 GB / AMD Radeon R7 265

Placa de vídeo

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 de 3 GB / AMD Radeon RX 580 de 4 GB

Contas para login obrigatórias

Epic Games

Idiomas suportados

  • ÁUDIO: inglês | TEXTO: inglês, francês, alemão, italiano, polonês, russo, espanhol (Espanha)

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