
Settle an untamed wilderness with the might of Dwarven engineering and thoughtful planning! Design and build your colony towards fame and fortune in a deeply-simulated fantasy world. Chill out in peaceful mode, or fight for survival against monsters and invasions!

Este é um jogo em Acesso Antecipado

Jogos em Acesso Antecipado ainda estão em desenvolvimento e podem mudar significativamente com o tempo. Como resultado, você pode enfrentar problemas imprevistos ou ver a adição de elementos de jogabilidade completamente novos enquanto joga.Você pode jogar agora para experimentar o jogo enquanto ele é feito ou aguardar para uma experiência mais completa.

Mountaincore is a game of designing and building a burgeoning colony in a deeply-simulated fantasy world.

Current Features

  • Start with 7 dwarves but you can build and support a population of hundreds

  • A simulated world with changing weather and seasons that have a big impact on gameplay

  • Every one of your settlers has their own needs and desires to fulfil as they work together for the common good

  • A deep crafting tree that leaves no natural resource unused, tied together into satisfying production chains

  • Progress through skill tiers to craft better tools and weapons

  • Trade with merchants to increase your wealth even further

  • Form up and train your military to battle monsters and invaders...

  • ...or play in Peaceful Mode to chill out with a relaxing city-builder experience

Future/Roadmap Features

  • Take a party of adventurers to explore other maps and locations - including the maps of other players!

  • Play as other races such as Orcs and Humans with wildly different gameplay mechanics

  • Attract and house nobles to build your prestige to unlock further advancements

  • More dangers and hurdles to overcome such as food spoilage and even worse monsters

  • More treasures and rewards to be found such as monstrous crafting materials and legendary items

    • Mountaincore-13bx3
    • Mountaincore-1lrsm
    • Mountaincore-1cch3
    • Mountaincore-1j03z
    • Mountaincore-1v6rn
    • Mountaincore-3piad
    • Mountaincore-134i3
    • Mountaincore-15uai

Requisitos de sistema de Mountaincore



OS version

Windows 7 64-bit

OS version

Windows 10 64-bit


Intel Core i5


Intel Core i5 or higher






Intel HD Graphics 3000


AMD/NVIDIA dedicated GPU





Idiomas suportados

  • Áudio: N/D

  • Texto: English

Developed and Published by Rocket Jump Technology Ltd © 2023

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