Este é um jogo em Acesso Antecipado
Jogos em Acesso Antecipado ainda estão em desenvolvimento e podem mudar significativamente com o tempo. Como resultado, você pode enfrentar problemas imprevistos ou ver a adição de elementos de jogabilidade completamente novos enquanto joga.Você pode jogar agora para experimentar o jogo enquanto ele é feito ou aguardar para uma experiência mais completa.Mountaincore is a game of designing and building a burgeoning colony in a deeply-simulated fantasy world.
Current Features
Start with 7 dwarves but you can build and support a population of hundreds
A simulated world with changing weather and seasons that have a big impact on gameplay
Every one of your settlers has their own needs and desires to fulfil as they work together for the common good
A deep crafting tree that leaves no natural resource unused, tied together into satisfying production chains
Progress through skill tiers to craft better tools and weapons
Trade with merchants to increase your wealth even further
Form up and train your military to battle monsters and invaders...
...or play in Peaceful Mode to chill out with a relaxing city-builder experience
Future/Roadmap Features
Take a party of adventurers to explore other maps and locations - including the maps of other players!
Play as other races such as Orcs and Humans with wildly different gameplay mechanics
Attract and house nobles to build your prestige to unlock further advancements
More dangers and hurdles to overcome such as food spoilage and even worse monsters
More treasures and rewards to be found such as monstrous crafting materials and legendary items
Requisitos de sistema de Mountaincore
OS version
Windows 7 64-bit
OS version
Windows 10 64-bit
Intel Core i5
Intel Core i5 or higher
Intel HD Graphics 3000
AMD/NVIDIA dedicated GPU
Idiomas suportados
Áudio: N/D
Texto: English
Developed and Published by Rocket Jump Technology Ltd © 2023
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