Это игра из раннего доступа
Игры в раннем доступе находятся в разработке и со временем могут существенно измениться. В результате этого во время игры вы можете столкнуться с непредвиденными трудностями или встретить какие-то новые игровые элементы.Вы можете сыграть сейчас, чтобы оценить игру, пока её разрабатывают, или дождаться, когда она примет более завершённую форму.UPDATE 2024-12-20: Cryo physics and effects are in now and Massey's got QD and tanking
What is this?
This is a physics sandbox where you can play around with Starbase (Открывается в новой вкладке) devices. This is not a flight sim. There are some basic flying mechanics, but they are mainly intended to be able to catch the rockets with the chop sticks.
Also, there is no tutorial and just some explanations yet in the game. So it would be better, if you know already a bit about what you are doing or you find out by clicking around ;)
For more info, go to the Itch site (Открывается в новой вкладке) or join the Discord (Открывается в новой вкладке).
There will always be an older version of the game on Itch, just without multiplayer, that is free to download and try.
Here on the store you get early access to the newest version of StarbaseSim with multiplayer, and of course, you support the development of the game.
What's the plan?
The basic idea with this project is to closely follow and recreate the developments of the real Starbase.
Read the Itch page (Открывается в новой вкладке) for more details. This will stay in early access for a long time probably. There is lots of stuff to add and things to fix.
What's the catch?
SpaceX tries to catch the first and second stage with the same tower where the rocket lifts off in order to rapidly reuse it, like an airplane, which would reduce costs to launch something to space enormously.
Or are you asking about the game? In that case it's simple, you buy it once, you get everything, all features and all future updates, and of course, you can always use single-player offline. Price will go up though in the future, so better get it now.
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Оценки игроков в Epic
На основе отзывов игроков в экосистеме Epic Games.
Системные требования StarbaseSim
OS version
Windows 10
OS version
Windows 10
Ryzen 3 4300u
Ryzen 5 2600
8 GB
16 GB
Ryzen 3 4300u (needs at least 4 GB dedicated memory)
RTX 2060
2 GB
2 GB
Additional Notes
Recommended should give close to 60 FPS on high quality at 1080p. If you have Intel GPU, make sure to update drivers. Some Intel GPUs seem to have more trouble with latest Unreal Engine features in general. Also, Mac version will be coming at some point.
Требуется учётная запись
Epic ID
Поддерживаемые языки
Аудиодорожка: Н/Д
Текст: English
© Ashtorak Sim Games. You are free to use StarbaseSim in videos and streams as long as you give credit. StarbaseSim is not directly affiliated with SpaceX in any form. If anyone at SpaceX has a problem with this or wants to change this, please contact me. I am sure we can find an agreement.
Политика конфиденциальности (Открывается в новой вкладке)