The Lord of the Rings: Return to Moria™ Rohan Pack DLC
The Lord of the Rings: Return to Moria™ Rohan Pack DLC
Embrace the legacy of the Rohirrim with the Rohan Pack!
Transform your armor to embody the might of Rohan's legendary warriors, and gear up with exclusive recipes for the Rohirrim Spear, Rohirrim Shield, and new base decor. Fuel your adventure with recipes for a new meal and hearty brew.
Once established in the Glittering Caves of Aglarond, Lord Gimli forged a bond of friendship with King Eomer of Rohan. A small company of horsemen patrolled the roads from the White Mountains to Erebor. In exchange, an elite group of Dwarves was lent to Meduseld. Taking on the Khuzdul word for grass, they became known as the Yerêg Guard. They were a visible presence anywhere Dwarven craftsmen did their great works of building in the horse-lord’s kingdom.
What’s included:
• Rohan Helmet Cosmetic Skin
• Rohan Armor Cosmetic Skin
• Rohan Gauntlets Cosmetic Skin
• Rohan Boots Cosmetic Skin
• Rohirrim Spear Recipe
• Rohirrim Shield Recipe
• Rohirrim Banner & Flag Building Recipes
• Rohan Yerêg Stew Meal Recipe
• Smoked Mead Brew Recipe
Note: The Rohan Armor Skins are cosmetic only and will not change your characters’ stats. Go into the all-new Wardrobe tab in the Options menu to access your armor and customize your dwarf's look!
Weapon, Shield, Brew, Meal, and Building Recipes will be available when the appropriate resources are available for crafting
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The Lord of the Rings™: Return to Moria™: оценки и обзоры
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Системные требования The Lord of the Rings™: Return to Moria™
Версия ОС
Windows 10 или 11 (64-разрядная)
Версия ОС
Windows 10 или 11 (64-разрядная)
Intel® Core i5 (четырёхъядерный или лучше)
Intel® Core™ i7 (шестиядерный или лучше)
Оперативная память
8 ГБ
Оперативная память
16 ГБ
NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 1060
NVIDIA® GeForce® RTX 2060
DirectX 12
DirectX 12
Место на диске
Рекомендуется использовать твердотельный накопитель
Место на диске
Рекомендуется использовать твердотельный накопитель
Дополнительные примечания
Размер установки: 20 ГБ
Требуется учётная запись
Epic ID
Поддерживаемые языки
Аудиодорожка: Н/Д
Текст: Корейский, Португальский (Бразилия), Французский, Итальянский, Английский, Немецкий, Испанский (Испания), Китайский (упрощённый)
Ⓒ2022 Middle-earth Enterprises. All rights reserved. "Moria", "Middle-Earth" and "The Lord of the Rings" and the names of the characters, events, items, and places therein are trademarks or registered trademarks of The Saul Zaentz Company dba Middle-earth Enterprises under license to Open Door Entertainment, LLC dba North Beach Games.