22 Başarı
1000 XP
Dealt 100 points of damage.
50 XPBunu açan oyuncular: %8Apprentice
Won 10 games of Feud.
20 XPBunu açan oyuncular: %2Archwizard
Won a solo match in which you used Teleport on all your other pieces.
50 XPBunu açan oyuncular: %0.1Assassin
Won 20 games of Feud by Regicide.
100 XPBunu açan oyuncular: %0.2Bot Destroyer
Defeated each AI opponent at least once.
20 XPBunu açan oyuncular: %5Chief Physician
Healed four pieces with the Medic in one turn.
50 XPBunu açan oyuncular: %0.3Clash of Kings
Killed another King with your King.
50 XPBunu açan oyuncular: %4Express Yourself
Set an avatar.
50 XPBunu açan oyuncular: %1Face-To-Face
Played a game of Feud in local versus mode.
20 XPBunu açan oyuncular: %6Face-To-Screen-To-Face
Played a game of Feud online.
20 XPBunu açan oyuncular: %5Glove Slap!
Invited a friend to play Feud.
20 XPBunu açan oyuncular: %2Grandmaster
Won 50 games of Feud.
100 XPBunu açan oyuncular: %0.1Grasshopper
Completed the tutorial.
50 XPBunu açan oyuncular: %60Guard Maker
Killed 10 Knights with arrows.
20 XPBunu açan oyuncular: %0.7Harold Rex Interfectus Est
Killed an opponent's King with an arrow.
20 XPBunu açan oyuncular: %29Knight Commander
Defeated an AI using no Actions other than the Knight's.
50 XPBunu açan oyuncular: %3Manipulator
Won 20 games of Feud by Isolation.
100 XPBunu açan oyuncular: %0.1Novice
Won a game of Feud.
20 XPBunu açan oyuncular: %41Puppetmaster
Forced a draw against the AI.
100 XPBunu açan oyuncular: %10Smarter than a Bear
Defeated a Bearwaves team member or someone who has this achievement.
50 XPBunu açan oyuncular: %0.2Gizli Başarı
20 XPBunu açan oyuncular: %10Gizli Başarı
20 XPBunu açan oyuncular: %8