Letters & Legends
26 Başarı
1000 XP
A is for Abaddon
Defeat the Mega Demon.
100 XPAçan oyuncular: %0B is for Bruiser
Do 2500 points of damage to your enemies.
25 XPAçan oyuncular: %8C is for Collector
Buy or unlock at least 10 special items.
10 XPAçan oyuncular: %5D is for Decimation
Create 5 words with 10 or more letters.
50 XPAçan oyuncular: %0E is for Endangerment
Unlock Chapter 2.
50 XPAçan oyuncular: %34F is for Fantastical
Unlock Chapter 3.
50 XPAçan oyuncular: %16G is for Graveyard
Unlock Chapter 4.
50 XPAçan oyuncular: %8H is for Hellscape
Unlock Chapter 5.
50 XPAçan oyuncular: %3I is for Incineration
Use 30 Flaming tiles.
25 XPAçan oyuncular: %16J is for Jabber
Earn 30 extra hits.
25 XPAçan oyuncular: %8K is for Killer
Find 10 Killer Words.
50 XPAçan oyuncular: %8L is for Learning
Level up all 3 characters at least once.
25 XPAçan oyuncular: %24M is for Megalophonous
Win any Mega Challenge.
100 XPAçan oyuncular: %3N is for Nonagonic
Create 10 words of 9 or more letters.
50 XPAçan oyuncular: %5O is for Octonary
Create 20 words of 8 or more letters.
25 XPAçan oyuncular: %16P is for Pecunious
Spend more than 5000 gold coins.
10 XPAçan oyuncular: %0Q is for Quaternary
Finish a level with only a quarter of a heart remaining.
25 XPAçan oyuncular: %16R is for Recuperative
Use 30 Healing tiles.
25 XPAçan oyuncular: %37S is for Score
Deal at least 20 damage with a single word.
25 XPAçan oyuncular: %5T is for Thirsty
Drink 30 potions.
10 XPAçan oyuncular: %47U is for Urgency
Finish a timed level with more than half your time remaining.
25 XPAçan oyuncular: %47V is for Vainglorious
Create 2 words with 12 or more letters.
100 XPAçan oyuncular: %0W is for Wordsmith
Create 200 words.
25 XPAçan oyuncular: %24X is for Xenophobia
Defeat at least 10 enemies in a single Endless level.
50 XPAçan oyuncular: %8Y is for Yielding
Shuffle the letters at least 10 times, not counting Anagram levels.
10 XPAçan oyuncular: %29Z is for Zealotical
Use every letter at least once.
10 XPAçan oyuncular: %47