46 Başarı
1000 XP
100-goals attack
Score at least 100 goals in one season!
15 XPAçan oyuncular: %6All on board
Have no injured players in your squad by the turn of the year!
5 XPAçan oyuncular: %19Beaten them all
Defeat every opponent at least once in a season!
10 XPAçan oyuncular: %8Become world champion!
World Cup winners
50 XPAçan oyuncular: %1Birthday
Play the game on your birthday!
10 XPAçan oyuncular: %2Builder
Enlarge a club's stadium by at least 50,000 seats during your time in office!
40 XPAçan oyuncular: %1Cash machine
Make a surplus of at least 100 million in one season.
30 XPAçan oyuncular: %4Christmas
Play the game on Christmas!
10 XPAçan oyuncular: %2Clean sweep
Win a championship with at least 10 points ahead!
30 XPAçan oyuncular: %5Club loyalty
Stay at the same club for five years!
25 XPAçan oyuncular: %6Collector
Collect 20 action points!
20 XPAçan oyuncular: %8Continuous improvement
Improve your position in the league table with one team three times in a row!
25 XPAçan oyuncular: %16Double promotion
Get promoted twice in a row with the same club!
10 XPAçan oyuncular: %5Europe, we're coming!
Qualify for a European Championship!
20 XPAçan oyuncular: %0.8European Championship winners
Win the European Championship!
45 XPAçan oyuncular: %1Evergreen
Let a player play every league game in a season!
5 XPAçan oyuncular: %9Expensive buy
Buy a player for more than 50 million.
15 XPAçan oyuncular: %6Expensive sale
Sell a player for more than 50 million.
15 XPAçan oyuncular: %5Fairness prize
Play a season without a sending off!
30 XPAçan oyuncular: %8Finally, gold taps
Generate a bank balance of 1 billion with your club!
25 XPAçan oyuncular: %3First triumph
Win a title or get promoted!
5 XPAçan oyuncular: %19Football god
Reach level 14 with one of your players!
30 XPAçan oyuncular: %5Highest level
Reach level 15!
35 XPAçan oyuncular: %0.4Home strength
Stay undefeated in the league at home for one season!
10 XPAçan oyuncular: %9Immediate comeback
Get promoted again directly following relegation!
20 XPAçan oyuncular: %0.4Improve reputation
Increase the national or international reputation of your club!
5 XPAçan oyuncular: %29Level ups
Level up 5 players in one quarter!
5 XPAçan oyuncular: %33Lightning start
Reach level 3 in one season!
5 XPAçan oyuncular: %9Lucky streak
Win at least 5 league games of a season in the last 5 minutes!
10 XPAçan oyuncular: %0.4Mega catch-up
Win a championship from last place!
35 XPAçan oyuncular: %0.6No weaknesses
Eliminate all weak skills in your squad!
25 XPAçan oyuncular: %2Old and wise
Be still active as a manager at the age of 70.
40 XPAçan oyuncular: %0.6Once again international
Qualify for an international competition once again after an absence of the club of more than 10 years!
10 XPAçan oyuncular: %4Quality over quantity
Become champions without ever having more than 20 players in your squad!
20 XPAçan oyuncular: %0.4Saviour
Save a team that's fighting against relegation!
10 XPAçan oyuncular: %0Season objective
Surpass the agreed season goal with your team!
5 XPAçan oyuncular: %15Start to finish victory
Win a championship title by start-finish victory!
10 XPAçan oyuncular: %2Striker
Inhabit the top two scorer positions at the end of the season!
35 XPAçan oyuncular: %5Strong on the road
Play one season without a defeat in the league in away Matches.
15 XPAçan oyuncular: %7Stronghold
Concede less than 25 goals in one season!
20 XPAçan oyuncular: %11Sultan
Build club grounds with 100 buildings.
40 XPAçan oyuncular: %3Taking part is everything
Qualify for a World Cup!
20 XPAçan oyuncular: %1The Triple
Achieve the triple of championship, cup and international competition!
40 XPAçan oyuncular: %4Through the night to light
Lead a team over 3 league divisions from the bottom to the top division!
35 XPAçan oyuncular: %4Triple non-stop
Achieve the triple of championship, cup and international competition without reloading!
40 XPAçan oyuncular: %0.4World's best player
Sign the best player in the world from another club!
40 XPAçan oyuncular: %0.4