Why Early Access?

Much of the early foundation already exists within Below the Stone, and will continue to be built on as time goes on. We are focusing on meta-progress content, future cave layers, and many of Below the Stone's future biomes and resources that are going to be released as major content updates. We'll have a constant ear on what our community has to say as we work on the game!

Approximately how long will this game be in Early Access?

Below the Stone's released date will be flexible, and based entirely on the feedback of players like yourself!

How is the full version planned to differ from the Early Access version?

We have several big features that we intend on releasing in our big content updates:

  • A plethora of new biomes to explore

  • New resources to mine and collect

  • New monsters to battle with

  • New bosses to encounter

  • Additional NPCs to assist you on your runs

  • MANY new crafting recipes

  • Lore to dig into

  • Additional features based on community feedback

What is the current state of the Early Access version?

The Current state of Early Access Below the Stone does not include all the the cave layers we intend on adding, or the full list of creatures, crafting recipes, armor sets, class sets, etc. Currently, Early Access will include the first 2 cavern layers of the game, which has many hours of content that we hope to build more on

Will the game be priced differently during and after Early Access?

The price will likely gradually rise for the launched into 1.0!

How are you planning on involving the Community in your development process?

For anyone with any experience with our community, you will know we listen to our fan's input all the time. We host playtests every 1-3 months to get direct input from players to see if we are doing the right thing as developers. We'd love you to join our Discord community (Yeni sekmede açılır) and become a part of the open development process of Below the Stone!