Call of the Wild: The Angler™ - Fiskespro Gear Pack

Fiskespro Gear Pack ile tarzını ortaya koy\! Bu pakette vitraylı Vredesbringaren Olta ve gösterişli Härskaren Makara bulunur. İki eşya da üç renk seçeneğine sahiptir. Ayrıca üç adet olta kaşığı da bulunur.

Call of the Wild: The Angler™ - Fiskespro Gear Pack

Fiskespro Gear Pack ile tarzını ortaya koy! Bu pakette vitraylı Vredesbringaren Olta ve gösterişli Härskaren Makara bulunur. İki eşya da üç renk seçeneğine sahiptir. Ayrıca üç adet olta kaşığı da bulunur.

Fiskespro Gear Pack içeriği:
• 1 Vredesbringaren Olta: Vredesbringaren, Vredesbringaren Fettisdagen, Vredesbringaren Långfredagen
• 1 Härskaren Makara: Härskaren, Härskaren Midsommarkransen, Härskaren Aspudden
• 3 adet olta kaşık: 7, 4 ve 1 boylarında

Call of the Wild: The Angler™ Puanları ve İncelemeleri

Gaming Nexus

Eric Hauter tarafından

8.8 / 10

Fishing game, open world adventure, gorgeous nature simulator – whatever bar you want to set for Call of the Wild: The Angler, it succeeds at meeting your criteria. Quiet but never boring, graphically beautiful, and with rich and entertaining fishing mechanics, The Angler is one of those rare games that creates a class all its own. You have never played a game like this, and it is likely rare that you have played one this good at accomplishing what it sets out to do. Highly recommended, even for those that might not think they would like fishing games.


Bill Lavoy tarafından

7 / 10

The Angler has a lot of soul. Every time I log in and see the (approximate) time and weather, I know exactly what spot I want to go to and what fish I’m looking for. I get excited when the conditions are just right to target that pike, and I know just the spot. The pull is there to keep me coming back. Even though it’s rough around the edges and somewhat feature-bare, you’re going to find your own spot that you don’t tell anyone about. Your own little slice of Golden Ridge heaven where you hope to one day land your Diamond.

Değerlendirmeler OpenCritic'ten alındı

Call of the Wild: The Angler™ Sistem Gereksinimleri



OS version

64 bit İşletim Sistemi - Windows 10

OS version

64 bit İşletim Sistemi - Windows 10/11


Intel i5-6400 (4C / 4T) (Q3 '15) veya AMD Ryzen 5 1600


Intel Core i7-4770 veya AMD Ryzen 5 1600X






25 GB kullanılabilir alan


25 GB kullanılabilir alan






NVIDIA GTX 960 4 GB veya AMD RX 480 4 GB


NVIDIA GTX 1070 8 GB veya AMD Vega 56 8GB

Giriş Hesapları Gerekli

Epic ID

Desteklenen Diller:

  • Ses: İngilizce

  • Metin: Basitleştirilmiş Çince, Lehçe, Almanca, Japonca, İspanyolca (İspanya), Fransızca, İngilizce, Rusça

© 2022 Expansive Worlds AB. All rights reserved. Published and developed by Expansive Worlds AB. Expansive Worlds and Call of the Wild: The Angler are registered trademarks or trademarks of Expansive Worlds AB in Sweden, the U.S. and/or other countries.

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