43 项成就
1000 经验值
Had the ending of Feudal Fantasy spoiled for you
20 经验值0% 的玩家已解锁A Friend Request
Completed chapter 2
5 经验值0% 的玩家已解锁A Kickass Poster!
Helped MarKun666 finish his poster project
30 经验值0% 的玩家已解锁A Remake Of The Classic Jellyfish Title!
Learned about the Kinmoku Jellyfish
20 经验值0% 的玩家已解锁Anxiety
Completed chapter 7
5 经验值0% 的玩家已解锁Belongs To The Gays!
Videoverse became more diverse
20 经验值0% 的玩家已解锁Best Of Friends
Emmett felt platonic love
20 经验值0% 的玩家已解锁Butterflies
Completed chapter 4
5 经验值0% 的玩家已解锁Could It Be...?
Zalor hinted at his real name
30 经验值0% 的玩家已解锁Em-otional
Emmett grew out his hair and dyed it black
20 经验值0% 的玩家已解锁First Impressions
Repeatedly declined Vivi’s friend requests
10 经验值0% 的玩家已解锁Friendship Over
Got blocked by Zalor
30 经验值0% 的玩家已解锁Full Stop
Played Finish the Sentence with Vivi
10 经验值0% 的玩家已解锁Growing Closer
Completed chapter 3
5 经验值0% 的玩家已解锁I Didn’t Think You’d Find Out
Vivi caught wind of Emmett's lie
20 经验值0% 的玩家已解锁It Came Recommended
Played The Pictures You Painted
10 经验值0% 的玩家已解锁Lawful Good
Unlocked the Lawful Good theme
20 经验值0% 的玩家已解锁Left Behind
Completed chapter 6
5 经验值0% 的玩家已解锁Lots Of Love!
Unlocked the Lots of Love theme
20 经验值0% 的玩家已解锁MarKilled
Got MarKill banned from Videoverse
30 经验值0% 的玩家已解锁Max Community
Videoverse became the best version of itself
150 经验值0% 的玩家已解锁Playing Games
Completed chapter 8
5 经验值0% 的玩家已解锁Potty Mouth
Got reported for swearing
10 经验值0% 的玩家已解锁Return To Videoverse
Completed chapter 5
5 经验值0% 的玩家已解锁Rumours From A Relative
Befriended UncleFromKinmoku
20 经验值0% 的玩家已解锁Shark Bite
Received a threatening message
20 经验值0% 的玩家已解锁Shy Guy
Vivi remembered the time Emmett turned the camera off
20 经验值0% 的玩家已解锁So Fluffy!
Befriended Fluffy-Pancake
20 经验值0% 的玩家已解锁Team MarKun666
Became close friends with MarKun666
20 经验值0% 的玩家已解锁Team Zalor
Became close friends with Zalor
20 经验值0% 的玩家已解锁Teenage Crush
Emmett felt romantic love
20 经验值0% 的玩家已解锁The Dark Side
Got Darth_Valentine banned from Videoverse
30 经验值0% 的玩家已解锁This Is Embarrassing...
Played Kiss. Marry. Kill. with Vivi
10 经验值0% 的玩家已解锁Variety Is The Spice Of Life
Unlocked all of the Videoverse themes
50 经验值0% 的玩家已解锁Welcome To Videoverse
Completed chapter 1
5 经验值0% 的玩家已解锁隐藏成就
5 经验值0% 的玩家已解锁隐藏成就
5 经验值0% 的玩家已解锁隐藏成就
30 经验值0% 的玩家已解锁隐藏成就
30 经验值0% 的玩家已解锁隐藏成就
40 经验值0% 的玩家已解锁隐藏成就
50 经验值0% 的玩家已解锁隐藏成就
50 经验值0% 的玩家已解锁隐藏成就
50 经验值0% 的玩家已解锁