《Curious Expedition 2》Shores of Taishi

Shores of Taishi DLC 推出了新岛屿类型(天界之岸,Celestial Shores),包括全新地块、物品、场所、敌人、可招募队员及更多精彩内容!安装 DLC 后,玩家在剧情模式(Campaign Mode)和导演模式(Director Mode)下都能体验到更丰富的游戏可能性

《Curious Expedition 2》Shores of Taishi

Shores of Taishi DLC 推出了新岛屿类型(天界之岸,Celestial Shores),包括全新地块、物品、场所、敌人、可招募队员及更多精彩内容!安装 DLC 后,玩家在剧情模式(Campaign Mode)和导演模式(Director Mode)下都能体验到更丰富的游戏可能性。


  • 新岛屿类型:天界之岸(Celestial Shores),包括全新地块组,在小岛和全新孔雀部落(Peacock Tribe)穿行时适用的新游戏机制。

6 个新可招募队员:小熊猫(Red Panda)、狸猫(Tanuki)、幽灵捕手(Ghost Catcher)、孔雀战士(Warrior Peacock)、孔雀萨满(Shaman Peacock)和孔雀斥候(Scout Peacock)

  • 6 个新敌人:牛鬼(Ushi Oni)、当康(Dangkang)、幽灵虎(Spectral Tiger)、幽灵蛇(Spectral Snake)、狸猫执法者(Tanuki Enforcer)和狸猫激励者(Tanuki Motivator)

  • 4 个新场所:动物收容所(Animal Shelter)、澡堂(Bath House)、狂野狸猫(WIld Tanukis)和成人礼(Rite of Passage)

  • 6 件新装备:竹制手杖(Bo Staff)、关刀(Guandao)、剑(Jian)、劈竹短斧(Bamboo Hatchet)、木屐(Geta Sandals)和八卦镜(Bagua Mirror)

  • 7 种新理智物品:粽子(Zongzi)、清酒(Sake)、糯米糍(Lo Mai Chi)、中国茶(Chinese Tea)、围棋(Go Board)、蜜桃(Peach)和竹笛(Bamboo Flute)

  • 7 种新战利品:狸猫睾丸(Tanuki Testicles)、当康兽牙(Dangkang Tusk)、牛鬼腿(Ushi-Oni Leg)、小熊猫皮毛(Red Panda Fur)、凤凰灰烬(Phoenix Ashes)、幽灵虎毛皮(Spectral Tiger Pelt)和幽灵巨蛇皮(Giant Spectral Snake Skin)

  • 4 个新等级可在巴黎太师学府探险家俱乐部(Taishi Academy Explorer Club)中解锁,可获得 1 个可招募队员和 3 件装备

《Curious Expedition 2》 的评分和评论


作者:Jake Hill

56 / 100

The gameplay is fun for a time, but once you see what Curious Expedition 2 has to offer, you will start to look beneath the surface. If you do that and you still like what you see, maybe you’ll have a new indie favorite. Or maybe you’ll find that your curiosity is quickly sated, and you’ll move on to the next thing.

Gaming Nexus

作者:Elliot Hilderbrand

7.4 / 10

Curious Expedition 2's gorgeous backgrounds and good-looking characters improve on the first title, but don't do enough to make the management part of the game sparkle. Expeditions become a trudge, especially when your party robs you of all your alcohol; and combat can be fun, but not much fun to look at.

God is a Geek

作者:Sean Smith

7 / 10

Curious Expedition 2 is a seriously odd, fiendishly difficult, yet somehow weirdly charming experience that sucks you in against your better judgement.

OpenCritic 提供的测评

《Curious Expedition 2》 系统要求



OS version

Windows 7

OS version

Windows 7


2 GHz


2 GHz


4 GB


4 GB


DX10 兼容显卡


DX10 兼容显卡


3 GB


  • 音频: 不适用

  • 文本: English, French, German, Spanish (Spain), Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Japanese, Korean, Russian

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