《Curious Expedition 2: Highlands of Avalon》

除了新增一种岛屿类型(高地)之外,《Curious Expedition 2: Highlands of Avalon》还添加了各种全新的地块类型、道具、地点以及敌人等。

《Curious Expedition 2: Highlands of Avalon》


除了新增一种岛屿类型(高地)之外,《Curious Expedition 2: Highlands of Avalon》还添加了各种全新的地块类型、道具、地点以及敌人等。


新岛屿类型:高地:包括一整套完全新增的地块、穿越高山与峡谷时的新游戏机制、一个称为 "皮克特"(Picts)的新部落,以及全新造型的圣祠

8 种全新可雇佣单位:圣杯骑士(Grail Knight)、稀有的克莱兹代尔马(Precious Clydesdale,马匹)、狗头人(Kobold,三种分支:吟游诗人 - Bard、流氓 - Scoundrel、萨满 - Shaman)、皮克特岛民(三种分支:心灵德鲁伊 - Spiritual Druid、皮克特先驱者 - Pictish Outrider、刺青勇士 - Tattooed Shaman)

4 种新敌人:石魔像(Stone Golem)、狗头人、湖蛇(Lake Serpent)、黑狼(Black Wolves)

6 个新地点:巨型号角(Giant Horn)、许愿井(Wishing Well)、指路雕像(Pointing Statue)、野生狗头人栖息地(Wild Kobolds)、湖蛇栖息地、稀有的克莱兹代尔马群


7 种全新装备:皮克特长矛(Pictish Spear)、皮克特弩弓(Pictish Crossbow)、风笛(Bag Pipe)、传说之刃(Legendary Blade)、放大镜(Magnifying Glass)、护胸甲(Cuirass)、铁甲靴(Armoured Boots)

5 种新道具:仙灵石(Fairy Stone)、狗头人耳垢(Kobold Ear Wax)、碎石片(Stone Fragment)、鸟笛(Bird Call)、海怪鳞片(Sea Monster scale)

4 种可在巴黎皇家阿瓦隆社会探险家俱乐部(Royal Avalon Society Explorer Club)解锁的新关卡,可从中获得 1 种可雇佣单位以及 3 件装备

《Curious Expedition 2》 的评分和评论


作者:Jake Hill

56 / 100

The gameplay is fun for a time, but once you see what Curious Expedition 2 has to offer, you will start to look beneath the surface. If you do that and you still like what you see, maybe you’ll have a new indie favorite. Or maybe you’ll find that your curiosity is quickly sated, and you’ll move on to the next thing.

Gaming Nexus

作者:Elliot Hilderbrand

7.4 / 10

Curious Expedition 2's gorgeous backgrounds and good-looking characters improve on the first title, but don't do enough to make the management part of the game sparkle. Expeditions become a trudge, especially when your party robs you of all your alcohol; and combat can be fun, but not much fun to look at.

God is a Geek

作者:Sean Smith

7 / 10

Curious Expedition 2 is a seriously odd, fiendishly difficult, yet somehow weirdly charming experience that sucks you in against your better judgement.

OpenCritic 提供的测评

《Curious Expedition 2》 系统要求



OS version

Windows 7

OS version

Windows 7


2 GHz


2 GHz


4 GB


4 GB


DX10 兼容显卡


DX10 兼容显卡


3 GB


  • 音频: 不适用

  • 文本: English, French, German, Spanish (Spain), Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Japanese, Korean, Russian

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