Why Early Access?

Although we've been working on Mountaincore for a long time already, there are still features we want to add before it is complete. That said, the game is already in a good place, it is fun and enjoyable with a good amount of content but with your help we can make it even better - we regularly take on feedback from the community via our Discord server, and this genre of game is perfectly well-suited to layering new features and systems on top of those that already exist. Early Access allows us to guide the game towards the best version of itself over time, especially thanks to feedback from the community, rather than launching the finished game but with lots of areas that could have been improved.

How long will this game be in Early Access?

We currently expect around 1 to 2 years in Early Access - this genre of game is extremely well-suited to having further gameplay system layered upon it. However, this is a rough estimate at best.

What is the current state of the game?

The game is currently playable, fun and has a reasonable amount of content to keep people happy for a while. Please refer to the store description for a list of the current main features.

Will my progress be saved during updates?

Generally yes, we aim to have save files be backwards-compatible from older versions of the game. This can't be guaranteed just in case we massively change something fundamental, but for the most part we will be doing work to keep save files compatible.

What's next for development?

Following the launch, we'll be back to our roadmap, initially focusing on the Design-a-Settler backer reward and then progression systems in the game. We'll be back to monthly Dev Update blog posts detailing what's being worked on.

Will the price change when the game leaves Early Access?

The game may increase in price after the Early Access period has ended.

Can I provide feedback and bug reports?

The game has automatic crash reporting that you can opt-in to, and other than that is best to join our Discord server (link on the store page) to provide feedback and bug reports.

How many farms do I need to feed my people?

The current rule of thumb is 10 farm plot tiles producing food per Dwarf should give you more than enough food, provided it is cooked into delicious soup or bread.

How do I get more settlers?

There will be immigration in the spring of each year. You can disable this in the Settlers Management screen.