The Karate Kid: Street Rumble

Dominate the dojo in The Karate Kid: Street Rumble, a pixel art beat ‘em up adventure. Grab your friends for local co-op multiplayer and dive into the classic The Karate Kid journey with retro-style gameplay, dynamic combat, and epic boss battles.


在这款像素风横版格斗冒险游戏中,穿越回上世纪八十年代,迈出道场,踏上西谷和冲绳的街头,横扫《The Karate Kid》前三部经典电影的标志性场景,与一波波敌人展开激战。扮演Daniel LaRusso、Mr. Miyagi、Ali Mills或Kumiko,击败Johnny Lawrence、John Kreese、Terry Silver以及其他企图长期霸占宫城道空手道榜首的对手。游戏融合了激烈的武术对战以及原电影的复古风情,带来紧张刺激的动作体验。

• 像素画杰作:融入视效惊艳的像素画世界,向游戏的黄金时代致敬。每一次出拳、踢腿,每一个标志性场景都以经典的16位风格精美呈现,带来真正怀旧的体验。

• 快节奏复古风格横版打斗:在追求武术霸主地位的过程中,面对一波又一波的对手。

• 经典剧情:重温《The Karate Kid》的冒险故事,直面Cobra Kai、John Kreese和Terry Silver的挑战。追随原三部曲的叙事,体验《The Karate Kid》人生历程中的高潮与低谷。

• 动态战斗系统:掌握直观敏捷的战斗系统,精通空手道。施展强力连招,使出鹤踢,抵御敌方道场的无情攻击。每一关都带来受影片经典角色启发的新挑战和新敌人。

• BOSS战:在12个紧张的关卡中,与诸如Johnny Lawrence、John Kreese等强大的经典反派对手对决。每场BOSS战都是对技能和策略的考验,迫使玩家一遍遍地回想Mr. Miyagi的教导。

• 原经典电影的标志性场景:在12个关卡中与敌人搏斗,这些关卡的灵感来源于原三部曲,如托潘加海滩、西谷高中、眼镜蛇道场、全谷锦标赛等!

• 复古原声:沉浸在80年代的氛围中,随着电子原声开始播放,这些经典风格的音乐将伴随你,增强怀旧氛围

• 合作多人游戏:与最多4名好友在本地合作模式中一起战斗。


Baddies Galore
20 经验值
They've Been Training, Too!
30 经验值
Shown No Mercy
50 经验值
Boiling Hot!
30 经验值
Like the good old days
30 经验值

The Karate Kid: Street Rumble 的评分和评论

Nintendo Life

作者:Tom Massey

7 / 10

For those who enjoy the Karate Kid movies and Cobra Kai TV series, there's fun to be had with this. It's simple but fairly effective, looks really nice, and has a few minigames to break up the action. Its combat can be an enjoyable economy of building gauges and pounding out super attacks amidst tap combos - but it tends to simmer rather than cook. The boss battles (with mostly Johnny Lawrence) are a little too placid for our liking, although the set-ups are pretty cool, especially when you find yourself in familiar movie territory. On the whole, it's nice to rumble with hordes of high school bullies, but once it's finished there's not a great deal to encourage repeat plays except the local multiplayer. Wax on, wax off, it's up to you.

Analog Stick Gaming

作者:Jeff M Young

7 / 10

Karate Kid: Street Rumble is a solid attempt at entering into the genre with a property that works well here. While it doesn’t add to the genre, and could be priced a tad too high, Street Rumble is exactly what it appears to be, a fun beat’em up brawler built around a movie property that many hold in high regard.


作者:George Foster

Still, even if Street Rumble doesn’t do much to stand out from the crowd, it’s a decent brawler in its own right and worth checking out for fans of The Karate Kid. It’s not going to win at the All-Valley Tournament, but at least it put up more of a fight than Cobra Kai: Dojo’s Rising.

OpenCritic 提供的测评

The Karate Kid: Street Rumble 系统要求




Windows 10/11 (64-bit OS required)


Windows 10/11 (64-bit OS required)


64-bit processor and operating system


64-bit processor and operating system


8 GB


8 GB


Radeon HD 6870, 1 GB / GeForce GTX 650 Ti, 1 GB


AMD Radeon™ RX 470 / NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 1050 Ti


DirectX 11


DirectX 11


2 GB


2 GB


Epic ID


  • 音频: 英语

  • 文本: 荷兰语, 法语, 德语, 意大利语, 葡萄牙语(巴西), 西班牙语(西班牙), 西班牙语(拉丁美洲), 英语

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