Horror Headgear Pack

使用这款恐怖头饰包,打扮成丧尸模样! 面对来势汹汹的敌人……有时你需要立即吓退敌人。

Horror Headgear Pack


此捆绑包含有以下 4 款恐怖头饰,可供所有角色使用:

• 娃娃脸面具
• 麻袋面具
• 僵尸骷髅面具
• 僵尸皮肤面具

Zombie Army 4: Dead War 的评分和评论


作者:Mostafa Hossam

8 / 10

Zombie Army 4: Dead War brings the Sniper Elite experience to the zombie world. Rebellion's sequel is a considerable upgrade, featuring a gripping storyline, satisfying gunplay, and unique visuals for every city in Europe. Outside of the occasional bugs and glitches, Zombie Army 4: Dead War offers an entertaining experience that keeps you on the edge of your seat.

PC Gamer

作者:Alex Spencer

70 / 100

An excellently-crafted shooter, especially with friends.


作者:Codi Spence

85 / 100

Zombie Army 4: Dead War is a great addition to the franchise, even if it's your first time experiencing it. The gunplay is awesome, especially if you activate a kill cam shot. The enemies provide a tough challenge, so be careful and don't get cocky. You can do it alone, but I highly recommend shooting with a buddy.