《PC Building Simulator》
52 成就
1000 點經驗值
Install a Threadripper 1920x and a GTX 1080 or GTX 1080ti.
5 點經驗值有 0.2% 的玩家達成了這項成就Back in the black
$1,000 in the bank.
5 點經驗值有 40% 的玩家達成了這項成就Bending over backwards
Get a 4.5 star rating.
50 點經驗值有 4% 的玩家達成了這項成就Blow 'em away
Get a score of 20000 on your office PC.
15 點經驗值有 0.2% 的玩家達成了這項成就Building isn't cheap!
Get out of a $2500 debt.
10 點經驗值有 1% 的玩家達成了這項成就Building momentum
Get to level 18.
50 點經驗值有 0.7% 的玩家達成了這項成就But can it run Crysis?
Build a PC with parts costing more than $10k and have it boot to desktop.
5 點經驗值有 9% 的玩家達成了這項成就Calling in Sick
Skip work 7 days in a row.
5 點經驗值有 2% 的玩家達成了這項成就Customer satisfaction
Get a 4 star rating.
25 點經驗值有 8% 的玩家達成了這項成就Customer's ALWAYS right.
Get a 5 star rating.
100 點經驗值有 0.4% 的玩家達成了這項成就Double trouble
Buy the second workbench.
5 點經驗值有 17% 的玩家達成了這項成就Easy to forget
Forget to apply thermal paste to the CPU.
5 點經驗值有 47% 的玩家達成了這項成就From humble beginnings...
Get to level 6.
15 點經驗值有 8% 的玩家達成了這項成就Get your wings
Complete How To Build A PC mode
5 點經驗值有 20% 的玩家達成了這項成就Getting your feet wet
Custom water cool your office PC.
5 點經驗值有 0.3% 的玩家達成了這項成就Going loopy
Create a water cooling loop with 5 or more radiators.
5 點經驗值有 0.1% 的玩家達成了這項成就Hoarder
Have every possible part in your inventory.
5 點經驗值有 0.1% 的玩家達成了這項成就I'm broke, Uncle!
Get into $3000 of debt.
5 點經驗值有 3% 的玩家達成了這項成就If you fail the first time...
BSOD a computer 10 times from overclocking.
5 點經驗值有 1% 的玩家達成了這項成就Keeping things neat
Buy the storage cupboard.
15 點經驗值有 4% 的玩家達成了這項成就Lead by example
Get a score of 10000 on your office PC.
10 點經驗值有 0.6% 的玩家達成了這項成就Majority Shareholder
Buy 51prct of the company stock from Uncle Tim.
25 點經驗值有 1% 的玩家達成了這項成就Maybe you should try something else?
$1,000,000 in the bank.
50 點經驗值有 2% 的玩家達成了這項成就Mister Big
Get to level 30.
100 點經驗值有 0.3% 的玩家達成了這項成就Mr big business
Get to level 24.
75 點經驗值有 0.4% 的玩家達成了這項成就My favourite feature...
Play some internet radio in the music player.
5 點經驗值有 9% 的玩家達成了這項成就Overvolted
Break your CPU.
5 點經驗值有 2% 的玩家達成了這項成就Owner
Buy all of the company stock from Uncle Tim.
50 點經驗值有 1% 的玩家達成了這項成就Perfection
Get exactly the requested 3DMark score.
5 點經驗值有 3% 的玩家達成了這項成就Seems you're pretty good at this
$10,000 in the bank.
15 點經驗值有 4% 的玩家達成了這項成就Show off
Get a score of 5000 on your office PC.
5 點經驗值有 1% 的玩家達成了這項成就Smashing it
Complete 30 jobs in a single playthrough.
5 點經驗值有 12% 的玩家達成了這項成就So you're the reason why the prices are so high?
Have 100 GPUs in your inventory.
5 點經驗值有 0.3% 的玩家達成了這項成就Stop it
Make a PC with full tower case, AIO cooler, at least 1 RGB fan, Maximum RAM supported for the motherboard, any 1080 Ti or even SLI, but use a Celeron.
5 點經驗值有 0.1% 的玩家達成了這項成就Taking care of business
Complete 100 jobs in a single playthrough.
25 點經驗值有 2% 的玩家達成了這項成就That's what I'm talking about
Complete 10 jobs in a single playthrough.
5 點經驗值有 30% 的玩家達成了這項成就The Best of Both Worlds
Pair an AMD CPU with a NVIDIA GPU.
5 點經驗值有 27% 的玩家達成了這項成就The Stuart Morton Award for Purpleness
Make your office PC as purple as possible.
5 點經驗值有 2% 的玩家達成了這項成就Things are under control
Get to level 12.
25 點經驗值有 2% 的玩家達成了這項成就Treat yourself - CPU
Install a Threadripper CPU in your office machine.
5 點經驗值有 0.4% 的玩家達成了這項成就Treat yourself - GPU
Install a GTX 1080Ti in your office machine.
5 點經驗值有 0.1% 的玩家達成了這項成就Treat yourself - RAM
Install 128GB of RAM in your office machine.
5 點經驗值有 0.5% 的玩家達成了這項成就Triple threat
Buy the third workbench.
5 點經驗值有 3% 的玩家達成了這項成就Work ethic 101
Complete 200 jobs in a single playthrough.
50 點經驗值有 0.8% 的玩家達成了這項成就Wow, you really like PCs
Complete 500 jobs in a single playthrough.
100 點經驗值有 0.1% 的玩家達成了這項成就You rock at this!
$100,000 in the bank.
30 點經驗值有 3% 的玩家達成了這項成就Your music sucks
Play some of your own music in the music player.
5 點經驗值有 3% 的玩家達成了這項成就隱藏的成就
5 點經驗值有 0.1% 的玩家達成了這項成就隱藏的成就
5 點經驗值有 1% 的玩家達成了這項成就隱藏的成就
5 點經驗值有 0.1% 的玩家達成了這項成就隱藏的成就
5 點經驗值有 50% 的玩家達成了這項成就隱藏的成就
10 點經驗值有 0.1% 的玩家達成了這項成就