How does the free soundtrack promotion work?
During the dates of the free soundtrack promotion, you can get a free download and add the
soundtrack to your Fan collection by simply clicking ‘Claim Album’ and following the steps from
How do I get the soundtrack to show up in my Bandcamp collection?
The soundtrack will appear in the collection for the fan account associated with the email
provided in the redemption flow. You can view which email is associated with your Fan account
in your settings page.
Can I download the soundtrack again later?
Yes! You can use the link provided in your email at any time to redownload the soundtrack.
It’s even easier with a Bandcamp Fan account - you
Do I need a Bandcamp Fan account to get the download?
You do not, but Bandcamp is even better with a fan account. Learn more here: (在新分頁開啟)
I’m having problems with my download…
For anything else, please see our help document about downloads here: (在新分頁開啟)