Chronique des Silencieux

Set in 1970s France, you play a rookie private eye tasked to dig out the secrets of a stubborn old man. Think on your feet while you follow your leads : ask questions to witnesses, detect their lies, hypothesize why and finally confront the silent ones running from their past.



A strange request

You are entrusted with the peculiar case of Victor Dousvalon. This old history professor is known for shrouding his past life in secrecy for everyone around, including his own daughter Catherine. But an apparently harmless accident decides him to hire you to help Catherine trace back the steps of his life.
*Why does he not simply tell himself his own story ?

Why does Catherine, who has been so distant with her father these past years, suddenly wants to know about him?

Your first case will decidedly be a delicate one...*

Anything goes to break the silence!

Get engrossed in the handy work of a detective : search through family papers, ask personal questions, call at inopportune times and be generally nosy.

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Head First Investigation

No watching characters think for you, this is your time to prove your deductive powers. Choose leads, follow them to the end or stop when you think you’ve got the right idea. But you'll need to be convincing to push the silent ones to talk!

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People’s History

Piece together the lives, the choices and the tragedies people are running from and walk a mile in their shoes.
Discover History, not from a bird’s eye view, but from the ground, where folk have to continue living and coping, each in their own unique way.

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Prologue Bronze
75 點經驗值
Prologue Gold
75 點經驗值
Prologue Iron
75 點經驗值
Prologue Silver
75 點經驗值
Chapter 1 Bronze
75 點經驗值

Chronique des Silencieux 評價與評論

God is a Geek

張貼者:Lyle Carr

8 / 10

Chronique des Silencieux is a wonderful detective game that never ever holds your hand, and if that sounds ideal to you then give it a look.


張貼者:Hristijan Pavlovski

7 / 10

Chronique des Silencieux is a narrative-driven point-and-click detective game that prioritizes agency over everything and allows you to connect the dots, and solve the mysteries however you deem fit. It doesn't hold your hand and trusts you to come to your own conclusions and while I'm not a fan of the art style, and some minor bugs get in the way of fun, it's a detective game unlike anything else that's definitely worth playing.


張貼者:Erin McAllister

7 / 10

Chronique des Silencieux is a feast for the eyes and a fantastic test for your detective skills, but the controls and difficulty go a little too far beyond clunky to truly call it a masterpiece.

評論由 OpenCritic 所提供

Chronique des Silencieux 系統需求



OS version

Windows 7 or later

OS version

Windows 7 or later


8th generation Intel Core i3 or equivalent (64 bit)


8th generation Intel Core i5 or equivalent (64 bit)






GTX 950 or equivalent


GTX 1050 or equivalent


  • 語音: French

  • 文字: English, French

© Pierre Feuille Studio 2024