What kind of app is Cubzh?

Cubzh is a place to hang out, play, build and share multiplayer experiences in which everything is made out of cubes. (items, avatars, worlds, vehicles...). In Cubzh you can:

Explore many different worlds and experiences all built by the community, using your own custom avatar. Play with your friends, on mobile and desktop devices.
Use simple yet powerful tools to craft and publish game items, worlds, avatars & outfits.
Customize game code sample scripts or script a full game from scratch!

What platforms is Cubzh available on?

The app runs on iOS, Android, Windows and Mac. A Web version is also planned in the future.

What minimum mobile/computer specs do I need?

Windows :
64 bits processor
OS: Windows 10
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Storage: 200 MB
64 bits processor
macOS 10.13
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Storage: 200 MB
Any device released since 2016
Android :
Most devices released since 2016

Is Cubzh going to be free to play or paid?

It’s going to be a free to play game with some limitations and premium perks. No limitations on the creation side though for artists and coders.

Will it be online multiplayer?

Yes, Cubzh has solo AND multiplayer Worlds!

How many players can stay together on the same server?

Up to 16 players can hang out on the same server. New servers are created automatically when all servers are full.

Do I need to invest in an external server to play with my friends?

No. Online game servers are automatically created & managed by the Cubzh platform as you need them when you join a game and/or invite friends.

Does Cubzh have an offline mode?

Not currently. We plan to make it possible to edit maps, items and avatars without a connection at some point.

What age rating is Cubzh?

We don’t have any official rating for the moment, but we consider Cubzh being an Everyone 10+ game.

I'm interested in writing a review of Cubzh. Who can I contact?

We would be glad to help you on that, please contact us at [email protected]

How can I join the Alpha?

It's easy-peasy! Download the app in your favorite device and have fun!

Don't forget to give feedback

Where can I report an issue or give feedback?

If you find a problem or a glitch in Cubzh's Alpha, you can use the in-app button nor report it on the Discord server !

If you are a Github addict, you can also submit an issue here .

I build stuffs on Minecraft and Magicavoxel, is it possible to import them into Cubzh?

We do actually use Magicavoxel a lot internally to design assets. An import button is available in the item editor to import .vox files. As for Minecraft, you can use this plugin on your Java server to export world portions into .vox files.

Is it possible to code my own Cubzh World?

You can build fun games in just a few hours using the embedded code editor. You can also create your own items using the voxel editor, or use assets published by other artists in the community.

What programming language does Cubzh use?

In Cubzh, games are written in Lua . It's very easy to learn, you can find tutorials and game sample codes on the documentation

Is Cubzh open-source?

We open-sourced a few components and will keep open-sourcing more along the way. You can check our public repositories on Github .

Most things that we use to build the application are still close source though currently.

What engine does Cubzh run on?

Our own inhouse engine, written in C/C++, and using bgfx for rendering.

Is it possible to interact with external services?

There’s going to be a way to communicate with external services. We built this a while ago: https://github.com/docker/dockercraft (在新分頁開啟) . We want the same kind of things to be possible in Cubzh.

Any plans on porting to the web?

Yes, we decided to focus first on native applications for iOS, Android, Windows & Mac. Mainly because we want to get some visibility from the different app stores.

But yes, we're supporting Wasm as a build and Cubzh runs on web browsers.