Curious Expedition 2: Robots of Lux

當《Curious Expedition》的 roguelike 探險遇上《SteamWorld Heist》的機器人海盜,勢必締造工業時代最棒的合作體驗。

Curious Expedition 2: Robots of Lux

兩個世界在《Curious Expedition 2: Robots of Lux》的 DLC 中擦出新火花!

當《Curious Expedition》的 roguelike 探險遇上《SteamWorld Heist》的機器人海盜,勢必締造工業時代最棒的合作體驗。

光明實驗室的鑀迪鉎 (Edibot) 擁有強大的發明能力,一次次拓展工程和科學領域的極限。這一次,鑀迪鉎在 SteamWorld 宇宙中撕開一個洞,還把其他合適的探險家拉進去,一起加入這場冒險。設法控制大家最喜歡的蒸氣海盜、船長 Piper Faraday 和她形形色色的機器人船員吧!


這款合作 DLC 也推出全新的可招募角色、新巴黎地點,以及新的裝備和物品。啟用 DLC 後,玩家即可在戰役模式 (Campaign Mode) 和導演模式 (Director Mode) 下體驗更豐富的遊戲玩法,開創更多可能。


2 個探險隊領袖:《SteamWorld Heist》的 Piper Faraday 以及自然保護主義者 (他能使用鑀迪鉎的新款光明球,馴服遊戲中幾乎所有動物,包括巨閘蟹)!

3 種可招募的人形生物:《SteamWorld Heist》的 Billy Gill 和 Valentine Butterbolt,以及雪人

1 種可招募的動物 (可騎乘):機器人變色龍

1 個巴黎地點:老舊戲院,你可以在此封凍角色以供日後使用,並購買機器人隊員和裝備

3 件裝備:護盾腰帶、電漿蜘蛛、PR3-S5

2 件馱獸裝備:特斯拉線圈、圓鋸

7 項物品:電池、遙控器原型、野戰廚房、鑀迪鉎地圖、咖啡、咖啡豆、手作餐點

《Curious Expedition 2》 評價與評論


張貼者:Jake Hill

56 / 100

The gameplay is fun for a time, but once you see what Curious Expedition 2 has to offer, you will start to look beneath the surface. If you do that and you still like what you see, maybe you’ll have a new indie favorite. Or maybe you’ll find that your curiosity is quickly sated, and you’ll move on to the next thing.

Gaming Nexus

張貼者:Elliot Hilderbrand

7.4 / 10

Curious Expedition 2's gorgeous backgrounds and good-looking characters improve on the first title, but don't do enough to make the management part of the game sparkle. Expeditions become a trudge, especially when your party robs you of all your alcohol; and combat can be fun, but not much fun to look at.

God is a Geek

張貼者:Sean Smith

7 / 10

Curious Expedition 2 is a seriously odd, fiendishly difficult, yet somehow weirdly charming experience that sucks you in against your better judgement.

評論由 OpenCritic 所提供

《Curious Expedition 2》 系統需求



OS version

Windows 7

OS version

Windows 7


2 Ghz


2 Ghz


4 GB


4 GB


DX10 相容顯示卡


DX10 相容顯示卡


3 GB


  • 語音: 無

  • 文字: English, French, German, Spanish (Spain), Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Japanese, Korean, Russian

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