Epic Chef

  • Epic Chef-p5qtj
準備好扮演名為 Zest 的廚師,踏上一場與眾不同的烹飪之旅

準備好扮演名為 Zest 的廚師,踏上一場與眾不同的烹飪之旅

《Epic Chef》是一款劇情導向的冒險遊戲,佐以生活模擬、農場經營與製作元素,透過互動式的烹飪體驗融合成一道令人口水直流的美味之作。此外還會搭配幽默風趣的風格,以及以《妙手小廚師》動漫與泰瑞·普萊契爵士的著作等經典作品為靈感所設計的豐富角色。快拿起鍋鏟、踏上旅程,努力成為... 最強廚師吧!


在《Epic Chef》中,您將結合各式食材,以精準的烹飪技巧攪動拌勻,帶出料理中的活力、精緻和精神這幾項風味元素。這是整個烹飪體驗的核心,您必須徹底掌握才能成為美食之都的頂尖大廚。






您必須靠自己的土地維持生計,可以種植蔬果等作物,也可以收集資源來製作可進一步加工食材的專用機械,甚至能在養育種類豐富動物 (從乳牛到獨角獸都有) 的同時,創造出新的食譜配方!此外也別忘了修繕破舊 (而且有點鬧鬼) 的房舍,打造出您個人專屬的別墅!



Epic Chef 評價與評論

Push Square

張貼者:Stephen Tailby

7 / 10

It does take a little while for the game to really warm up; the opening hours aim to establish quite a lot quite quickly, but once you're past all that, there's a pretty solid adventure to enjoy. Some aspects may leave a funny aftertaste; loading interrupts the game between areas, which makes getting around feel a bit clunky. The presentation is a little rough too, with several fiddly menus and blocky characters that don't quite hit the mark. However, the witty writing and crazy story, paired with simple but effective gameplay, makes for an enjoyable adventure for your inner foodie.

Screen Rant

張貼者:Ryan Keenum

For being as strange and bloated as it is, Epic Chef is a very engaging experience. While there are an almost frightening number of different mechanics involved, they all work together in interesting ways to create a very cohesive experience. Some people will like specific aspects of Epic Chef over others, but the way in which they work together means that very few are going to have trouble engaging with the whole, at least on some level.

Nintendo Life

張貼者:Oliver Reynolds

6 / 10

Epic Chef is heaped with charm and humour that will undoubtedly put a smile on your face as you start your life as Ambrosia's hottest chef. Unfortunately, while the cooking and farming mechanics are simple enough to grasp, the bloated nature of the game makes every task feel more arduous than it needs to be. Add to this the needlessly lengthy dialogue and bizarre limitations around the save function, and Epic Chef feels like a game that can't quite match up with the other life sims available on the Switch. It's not unenjoyable, just more Little Chef than MasterChef.

評論由 OpenCritic 所提供

Epic Chef 系統需求



OS 版本

Windows 10

OS 版本

Windows 10


Intel Core i3-2100 or AMD Phenom II X4 965


Intel Core i5-3470 or AMD FX-8350


6 GB


8 GB


Nvidia GeForce GTX 660 2GB, or Radeon HD 7850 2GB


NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB, or AMD Radeon RX 580 4GB


3 GB


3 GB


  • 語音: 無

  • 文字: 日語, 西班牙語(西班牙), 簡體中文, 俄語, 法語, 英語, 德語, 義大利語

Epic Chef © 2021 Infinigon S.L., Published under licence by Team17 Digital Limited.