準備迎接史詩級的火星生存挑戰吧! 在《紅色星球防禦工事》,一個沉浸式的科幻生存角色扮演遊戲中,你將被派往荒凉的紅色星球,重建人類的希望。 這裡沒有宜居的大氣,不再有溫潤的水源,唯一存在的是無情的風暴、未知的外星生物以及古老的火星文明遺跡。 玩家需要利用機智和頑強的意志,在這片陌生的土地上生存下來,並且擴張維護屬於自己的火星基地。 現在,鍛造你的傳奇,開啟屬於你的火星紀元。
在紅塵漫天的地表下,挖掘你的避難所、實驗室和生產基地。 《紅色星球防禦工事》提供了獨一無二的地形塑造體驗。 利用高科技工具創造和拓展你的地下領域,這裡將是你進行科研、休息以及戰略規劃的地方。 地表可能風暴不斷,但地下是你的安全堡壘,你的火星夢之起點。
是時候啟動防禦協定了! 建造防禦炮塔,鋪設陷阱,使用核聚變提供强力的能源供給,保護你的基地不受宇宙泰坦級別的對手侵擾。 每一次外星進攻都是一次對防禦工事的考驗,你的生存智慧將在與外星文明的較量中得到昇華。 只有最堅韌、最智慧的操作,才能在這星辰大戰中立足。
穿上你的宇航服,帶上你的武器裝備,準備探索火星上那些被遺忘的遺址。 天空中的浮空島,火山中的人造泳池及神秘地下建築中藏匿著史前文明的秘密和千年科技。 但是,小心那些守護者,它們是殘忍的,强大的,並不願分享火星的秘密。 你的膽量和智慧將是你最大的武器。
《紅色星球防禦工事》是一個不容錯過的遊戲。 立即下潜進這個冷酷無情而又令人神往的紅色世界,開始你的火星統治征程。 每個選擇,每次戰鬥,都不僅僅是存活下去,它是續寫你在紅色星球上的傳奇故事。 你準備好直面火星前線了嗎?
紅色星球防禦工事 系統需求
OS 版本
Windows 10 (64-bit versions)
OS 版本
Windows 10 (64-bit versions)
Intel Core i5-2400/AMD FX-8320 or better
Intel Core i9 13900
NVIDIA GTX 670 2GB/AMD Radeon HD 7870 2GB or better
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 10G
DirectX 11
DirectX 12
Epic ID
語音: 英語
文字: 繁體中文, 簡體中文, 英語
© 2023-2024 Beijing 1023 Technology CO., Ltd. All rights reserved. Disclaimers and Limitation of Liability Red Planet Rampart includes the Unreal® Engine code and other code, materials, and information (the “Epic Materials”) from Epic Games, Inc. (“Epic”). All Epic Materials are provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis, “with all faults” and without warranty of any kind. Beijing 1023 Technology CO., Ltd, Epic, and Epic’s affiliates disclaim all warranties, conditions, common law duties, and representations (express, implied, oral, and written) with respect to the Epic Materials, including without limitation all express, implied, and statutory warranties and conditions of any kind, such as title, non-interference with your enjoyment, authority, non-infringement, merchantability, fitness or suitability for any purpose (whether or not Epic knows or has reason to know of any such purpose), system integration, accuracy or completeness, results, reasonable care, workmanlike effort, lack of negligence, and lack of viruses, whether alleged to arise under law, by reason of custom or usage in the trade, or by course of dealing. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Beijing 1023 Technology CO., Ltd, Epic, and Epic’s affiliates make no warranty that (1) any of the Epic Materials will operate properly, including as integrated in the Red Planet Rampart, (2) that the Epic Materials will meet your requirements, (3) that the operation of the Epic Materials will be uninterrupted, bug free, or error free in any or all circumstances, (4) that any defects in the Epic Materials can or will be corrected, (5) that the Epic Materials are or will be in compliance with a platform manufacturer’s rules or requirements, or (6) that a platform manufacturer has approved or will approve this Red Planet Rampart, or will not revoke approval of this Red Planet Rampart for any or no reason. Any warranty against infringement that may be provided in Section 2-312 of the Uniform Commercial Code or in any other comparable statute is expressly disclaimed by Beijing 1023 Technology CO., Ltd and Epic. Beijing 1023 Technology CO., Ltd, Epic, and Epic’s affiliates do not guarantee continuous, error-free, virus-free, or secure operation of or access to the Epic Materials. This paragraph will apply to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, neither Beijing 1023 Technology CO., Ltd, Epic, Epic’s licensors, nor its or their affiliates, nor any of Beijing 1023 Technology CO., Ltd’s or Epic’s service providers, shall be liable in any way for loss or damage of any kind resulting from the use or inability to use the Epic Materials or otherwise in connection with this EULA, including but not limited to loss of goodwill, work stoppage, computer failure, or malfunction, or any and all other commercial damages or losses. In no event will Beijing 1023 Technology CO., Ltd, Epic, Epic’s licensors, nor its or their affiliates, nor any of Beijing 1023 Technology CO., Ltd’s or Epic’s service providers be liable for any loss of profits or any indirect, incidental, consequential, special, punitive, or exemplary damages, or any other damages arising out of or in connection with this EULA or the Epic Materials, or the delay or inability to use or lack of functionality of the Epic Materials, even in the event of Beijing 1023 Technology CO., Ltd’s, Epic’s, or Epic’s affiliates’ fault, tort (including negligence), strict liability, indemnity, product liability, breach of contract, breach of warranty, or otherwise and even if Beijing 1023 Technology CO., Ltd, Epic or Epic’s affiliates have been advised of the possibility of such damages. These limitations and exclusions regarding damages apply even if any remedy fails to provide adequate compensation. Because some states or jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or the limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages, in such states or jurisdictions, the liability of Beijing 1023 Technology CO., Ltd, Epic, Epic’s licensors, its and their affiliates, and any of Beijing 1023 Technology CO., Ltd’s or Epic’s service providers shall be limited to the full extent permitted by law.
隱私權政策 (在新分頁開啟)