SkateNationXL - Demo

In this demo experience both multiplayer and single-player gameplay across three maps. Skate freely with others in Lobby Mode, or jump into Showdown Mode, where players face off in a fast-paced multiplayer challenge to prove their skills.

這是一款區塊鏈/NFT 遊戲

這款遊戲支援或含有區塊鏈、NFT 技術或加密貨幣。所有的交易及相關活動、遊戲內購物的付款、退款和客戶支援,皆是由此商品的發行商自行處理。請注意:購買加密貨幣或數位資產時,玩家應事先深入瞭解該商品。玩家透過第三方市場購物時需要自行承擔風險,Epic Games 不鼓勵購買或販售加密貨幣或數位資產。

SkateNationXL - Demo

SkateNationXL - Demo

Get ready to dive into a skateboarding adventure! Explore skateparks, urban landscapes, and iconic spots. User-friendly controls, advanced tricks, and a rewarding progression system for the ultimate skateboarding experience.