《Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair》原聲帶

讓聽覺沉浸在《Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair》動人的 56 首曲目中。其中含有電玩遊戲原聲帶大老 Grant Kirkhope 與 David Wise 的創作曲目,無論是游過工廠或跳上樹梢,每個場景都有適合音樂。

《Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair》原聲帶

《Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair》原聲帶

讓聽覺沉浸在《Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair》動人的 56 首曲目中。其中含有電玩遊戲原聲帶大老 Grant Kirkhope 與 David Wise 的創作曲目,無論是游過工廠或跳上樹梢,每個場景都有適合音樂。


1)〈Main Theme〉
2)〈The Overworld〉
3)〈Capital Causeway〉
4)〈Capital Causeway – Chaos〉
5)〈Factory Fright〉
6)〈Factory Fright – Flooded〉
7)〈Wild Web Woods〉
8)〈Wild Web Woods – Wilder〉
9)〈Frantic Fountains〉
10)〈Frantic Fountains – Frozen〉
11)〈Gasping Glade〉
12)〈Gasping Glade – Grown〉
13)〈The Overworld – Forest〉
14)〈Sawblade Evade (Intro)〉
15)〈Sawblade Evade〉
16)〈Sawblade Evade – Stuck〉
17)〈Production Patch〉
18)〈Production Patch – Panic〉
19)〈Windmill Way〉
20)〈Windmill Way – Windy〉
21)〈Urban Uprise〉
22)〈Urban Uprise – Updraft〉
23)〈Ropeburn Ridge〉
24)〈Ropeburn Ridge – Rerouted〉
25)〈The Overworld – Canyon〉
26)〈Conveyor Chaos〉
27)〈Conveyor Chaos – Crosswire〉
28)〈Buzzsaw Falls〉
29)〈Buzzsaw Falls – Frozen〉
30)〈Cliffside Quest〉
31)〈Cliffside Quest – Cold〉
32)〈Hazard Hangar〉
33)〈Hazard Hangar – Hung〉
34)〈Turbine Trouble〉
35)〈Turbine Trouble – Tidal〉
36)〈The Overworld – Beach〉
37)〈Queasy Quay〉
38)〈Queasy Quay – Climb〉
39)〈Boom Bloom Blast〉
40)〈Boom Bloom Blast – Breakthrough〉
41)〈Pumping Plant〉
42)〈Pumping Plant – Powered〉
43)〈Scareship Shootout〉
44)〈Scareship Shootout – Smoggy〉
45)〈Scareship Shootout Scroll〉
46)〈Scareship Shootout Scroll - Docked〉
47)〈Scareship Shootout Scroll – Docked (Airship)〉
48)〈Overworld – The Final Zone〉
49)〈The Impossible Lair 1〉
50)〈The Impossible Lair 2〉
51)〈The Impossible Lair 3〉
52)〈The Impossible Lair 4〉
53)〈The Impossible Lair 5〉
54)〈Trowzer's Theme〉
55)〈Pagie Power〉
56)〈Rescue a Bee〉

Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair 評價與評論


張貼者:David Jagneaux

8.7 / 10

Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair brings the dynamic duo down to a 2.5D perspective to deliver one of the best platformers we've seen in years.

God is a Geek

張貼者:Chris White

9.5 / 10

Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair is one of the best 2D platformers available. If you're looking for something filled with refined gameplay and fun levels, this is it.


張貼者:Tom Phillips


Playtonic tightens up its nostalgic take on platforming and turns its eyes to the future.

評論由 OpenCritic 所提供

《Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair》原聲帶 系統需求




Windows 7 SP1 64-bit


Windows 10 64-bit


Intel Core i3-2125 或 AMD A8-6600K


Intel Core i5-2550 或 AMD FX-8120


6 GB 記憶體


7 GB 記憶體


GeForce GTX 650 或 Radeon HD 5770


GeForce GTX 660 或 Radeon R9 270


6 GB 可用空間


8 GB 可用空間


Epic Games


  • 遊戲語音:英文

  • 遊戲字幕:英語、法語、德語、西班牙語、日語、簡體中文、波蘭語

《Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair》由 Playtonic Games 開發。© 2019.由 Team17 發行。Team17 是 Team17 Digital Limited 的註冊商標。

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