Bug Fables: The Everlasting Sapling
30 Achievements
1000 XP
All Geared Up
Defeated Chapter 6's boss in Hard Mode!
30 XP13% of players unlockAlways Watchful
Defeated Chapter 4's boss in Hard Mode!
30 XP16% of players unlockBattle Ready
Reached max rank!
15 XP11% of players unlockBounty Hunter
Defeated all bounty bosses!
30 XP14% of players unlockChapter 1 Complete
Finished Chapter 1!
15 XP66% of players unlockChapter 2 Complete
Finished Chapter 2!
15 XP42% of players unlockChapter 3 Complete
Finished Chapter 3!
15 XP31% of players unlockChapter 4 Complete
Finished Chapter 4!
15 XP23% of players unlockChapter 5 Complete
Finished Chapter 5!
15 XP19% of players unlockChapter 6 Complete
Finished Chapter 6!
15 XP18% of players unlockChapter 7 Complete
Finished Chapter 7!
15 XP17% of players unlockCooking Maestro
Cooked all recipes!
30 XP9% of players unlockCrystal Collector
Found all crystal berries!
30 XP0% of players unlockField Researcher
Filled the bestiary!
15 XP6% of players unlockGamer
Indulged in games!
15 XP6% of players unlockHeavy Duty
Defeated Chapter 3's boss in Hard Mode!
30 XP22% of players unlockHelping Hand
Completed all quests!
65 XP6% of players unlockMedal Collector
Found all medals!
30 XP4% of players unlockMusic Collector
Purchased all music!
15 XP10% of players unlockOur job's done!
Saw all there was to see!
100 XP4% of players unlockPro Explorers
Found all discoveries!
15 XP8% of players unlockThe End
Defeated Chapter 7's boss in Hard Mode!
30 XP11% of players unlockThe Guardian
Defeated Chapter 2's boss in Hard Mode!
30 XP32% of players unlockThe Terror
Defeated Chapter 5's boss in Hard Mode!
30 XP15% of players unlockVicious Spider
Defeated Chapter 1's boss in Hard Mode!
30 XP43% of players unlockHidden Achievement
65 XP17% of players unlockHidden Achievement
65 XP11% of players unlockHidden Achievement
65 XP18% of players unlockHidden Achievement
65 XP9% of players unlockHidden Achievement
65 XP18% of players unlock