A Game of Thrones - A Feast For Crows

Dive in the events of the eponym book with House Arryn entering the lists for the Iron Throne with this objective-based, 4-player scenario.

A Game of Thrones - A Feast For Crows

A Feast for Crows DLC offers a radically different 4-player scenario centred around secret objectives and bringing an alternative setup, victory condition, as well as a new House, the Arryns.

From the Maiden’s Tower of the Eyrie, one can gaze upon the Vale. The mountains, reaching the clouds, used to shield the people from the madness outside. Not anymore. Lord Jon Arryn, mentor and brother-in-law of Ned Stark, was murdered and many amongst the House called for retribution.

The Arryns have been watching, they have been preparing, and now, finally, they are ready. The knights are gathered as the drums of war echo from the valley. Those outsider fools cannot rule. Westeros deserves better. Someone standing as High as Honor.

Dive in the events of the eponym book with House Arryn entering the lists for the Iron Throne. Use Littlefinger and Bronze Yohn Royce to ensure your victory in the new objective-based scoring system. The stakes for diplomacy, betrayals, and secrecy were never so high. But beware, you might not have all cards in hand to succeed.

A Game of Thrones-metl1

The “A Feast for Crows” scenario also brings:

  • A new House, the Arryns with their own unique House cards.

  • An alternative setup for the Lannister, Stark and Baratheon to represent the new setting of the 4th book, “A Feast for Crows”.

  • A new and faster game experience.

  • Neutral secret objectives as well as Special unique public House objective cards.

  • New Westeros cards to shake the game and offer new ways to experience it.

  • New rule for Supply, now counted at the end of every round.

A Game Of Thrones: The Board Game Digital Edition Ratings & Reviews

Hey Poor Player

by Christian Angeles

4.5 / 5

The fact that it’s less than half the cost of the actual board game, has numerous UI and QoL improvements, and more importantly, includes a very fun campaign, makes this game a must-buy for any Game of Thrones gamers or fans. Excellent all-around.


by Jake Hill

82 / 100

Game of Thrones: The Board Game is the best way to feel like a devious genius of Westeros.

PC Gamer

by Jonathan Bolding

72 / 100

A functional, basic board game port isn't enough to truly shine off the tabletop.

Reviews provided by OpenCritic

A Game Of Thrones: The Board Game Digital Edition System Requirements



OS version

Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 (64bit version only)

OS version

Windows 10 (64bit version only)


Intel Pentium D or AMD Athlon 64 X2


Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 or AMD Athlon 64 X2 5000+ or better


2 GB


4 GB


Graphics card with DX11 or OpenGL 3.x capabilities


Graphics card with DX11 or OpenGL 3.x capabilities


DirectX 11


1 GB


1 GB

Languages Supported

  • Audio: N/A

  • Text: English, French, Spanish (Spain), German, Italian

A Game of Thrones: The Board Game is © 2003 Fantasy Flight Games. A Game of Thrones is a TM of George R.R. Martin. Licensed by George R.R. Martin © 2022 Digital game published by Twin Sails Interactive