The Light in the Darkness
早期アクセスゲームは開発中であり、今後大幅に変更される場合があります。その結果、このゲームをプレイ中に予期せぬ問題や、完全に新しいゲームプレイ要素に遭遇する場合があります。開発途中のゲームを今すぐプレイするか、あるいはより完成されたゲーム体験が提供されるまで待つことができます。The first accurate video game about the Holocaust.
Video games can tell profound, meaningful and universal stories of tragedy and triumph that are more realistic and gut-wrenchingly impactful.
Our mission is to connect each new generation with the experiences of those who lived during one of the greatest atrocities in the history of the world - the Holocaust. We convey the painful, tragic, real-life stories in vivid detail, and we keep them alive in the hearts and minds of generations to come by teaching their stories in ways that will help others learn, and help humanity avoid repeating its worst mistakes.
Xbox Controller recommended.
The Light in the Darkness has been designed to be played with a controller, while you can also play with a keyboard it is not as recommended.
Directed by Luc Bernard
Luc developed an original idea to create a video game that would teach the history of the Holocaust. Knowing the story of his maternal grandmother, who looked after a kindertransport child, he had detailed knowledge of the atrocities of the Holocaust. He also had a growing concern that the impact of the Holocaust was being increasingly minimized, and education about it increasingly ignored.
“COMTOG Report on ‘The Light in the Darkness’.” Never Again Initiative. European Center for Populism Studies (ECPS). April 12, 2023.
When designed and executed properly, like The Light in the Darkness, these games can be an effective way to educate people about the Holocaust and its impact on society.
Video games can be used to counter extremist ideologies by highlighting the dangers of hate speech and promoting tolerance and understanding. This can be done through educational games and by incorporating messages of inclusivity and diversity into the gameplay and storyline. Overall, video games can be a powerful tool in the fight against antisemitism when designed with an educative purpose, well-researched, and ethics are considered. Video games can help create a more empathic, progressive and compassionate society by promoting education, representation, inclusivity, and community engagement.
The Economist: A new video game educates young people about the Holocaust.
Mr Bernard’s approach could even be used to deepen people’s understanding of other genocides.
The game arrives at an urgent moment. Reports that anti-Semitism has reached a record-high in America. Elsewhere, memories of Nazi horrors are waning as elderly survivors die. By keeping their stories alive, the game helps to inform new generations about the atrocities that Jews were made to endure.
The Light in the Darknessシステム要件
OS version
Windows 10
OS version
Windows 10
AMD Ryzen 7 3700X 8-Core Processor
AMD Ryzen 7 3700X 8-Core Processor
音声: 該当なし
テキスト: English
Videogame created by Voices of the Forgotten Foundation.