Unicorn Pack Set

안정에 환상적인 터치를 더하세요! 당신의 말을 위한 3가지 멋진 유니콘 태크 세트를 발견하세요.

Unicorn Pack Set

안정에 환상적인 터치를 더하세요! 당신의 말을 위한 3가지 멋진 유니콘 태크 세트를 발견하세요.

당신의 말을 위한 3가지 멋진 유니콘 태크 세트를 발견하세요.

Horse Tales - Emerald Valley Ranch 평가 및 리뷰

Screen Rant

Although it's a good step towards the horse game fans have been longing for, unfortunately, Horse Tales: Emerald Valley Ranch still isn't quite the game players have long wanted.


작성자: James Wright (Impulsegamer)

3 / 5

In the end, Horse Tales: Emerald Valley Ranch missed that first jump and hopefully the developers will release future patches to resolve the control mechanics. As a result, it was a difficult grind for my daughter and I that revolved around the inconsistencies with controls and graphics which hampered our overall enjoyment.


작성자: Tuffcub

7 / 10

A pleasant and undemanding game clearly aimed at younger players, Emerald Ranch may still interest adults who want to chill out with some lovely horses. Defying all expectations, Horse Tales: Emerald Valley Ranch is actually rather good!

OpenCritic에서 리뷰 제공

Horse Tales - Emerald Valley Ranch 시스템 요구 사항



운영체제 버전

Windows 7+ / 8.1 / 10 64 bit

운영체제 버전

Windows 10


Intel i3 Processor


Intel i7 Processor






ATI 7770, Nvidia GeForce GTX 660 2GB


Nvidia GeForce GTX960+

지원 언어

  • 오디오: 해당 없음

  • 텍스트: 스페인어(스페인), 이탈리아어, 일본어, 중국어(간체), 중국어(번체), 한국어, 러시아어, 영어, 프랑스어, 독일어

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